Thursday, January 30, 2020


St. John’s Lutheran Church

109 Maple St. Burt, Iowa|Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Pastor: Rev. Thomas Cowell                              Secretary: Rosann Shipler

Pastor’s Cell: 319-464-5548                                 Church Office: 515-924-3344                   

Pastor’s Email:          Church Email:               


February 2, 2020


Almighty and ever-living God, as Your only-begotten Son was this day presented in the temple in the substance of our flesh, grant that we may be presented to You with pure and clean hearts; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.



Today, February 2

   8:00  a.m.         Sunday School/Adult Class  

   9:00  a.m.         Divine Service (Epiphany 4)  (C)                                   


 Monday, February 3

  7 & 9:00 a.m.   Women’s Bible Study - Trinity


 Wednesday, February 5

   6:00 p.m.         Religion School


 Saturday, February 8

    4:00 p.m.        Installation Service Pastor Lund

 Sunday, February 9

   8:00 a.m.          Sunday School/Adult Class

   9:00 a.m.          Divine Service 


   February 2

    Feast of The Purification of Mary and the 

    Presentation of our Lord 


  February 5

    Commemoration of Jacob (Israel), Patriarch





Organist Today:  Marcia Hanna                  Ushers for February:   Lucas Parsons  & Terry Briggs                                                                            

Acolyte: Kenna Hatten & Taylor Parsons    Elder for February      Jerry Koestler

Greeters: Vern and Joan Koestler                Greeters Next Week:  Terry & Vicki Briggs


Adult Bible Study - Our Sunday morning adult Bible study class is studying the Biblical roots of the liturgy of the Divine Service, with special focus on the unique features of our Lutheran liturgy. 


Ash Wednesday Service with Communion will be February 26th at 6:00 p.m.


Lenten Services - All our evening services for Lent will be held at 6:00 p.m.  Note the new time!


Lutheran Witness Subscriptions are due by March 2.  The cost of a subscription will be $22.70 for the year.  If you are receiving a Lutheran Witness now just pay by putting that in a separate marked envelope in the offering plate. Make checks out to the church and those subscriptions will continue.  If you wish to cancel or begin getting the Witness, please be sure to let the church office know.


Shrove Tuesday Partnership Event - Our St. John's/Trinity partnership is hosting a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper again this year on Tuesday, February 25th at 6:00 p.m. at Trinity.  The event will begin in the sanctuary at 6:00 with a time of prayer and confession and absolution, and continue with a pancake supper in the Life Center at 6:15.  During the supper we will also have fliers available with suggestions for how you might pray, fast, and show mercy during the upcoming season of Lent.  This event is free and the community is welcome to attend. 



Welcome New Associate Pastor! - Pastor Mark Lund has accepted the call to become Trinity’s new Associate Pastor. Pastor Lund is joining us with his wife Hope and daughter Eleanor.  Pastor Lund’s installation is Saturday, February 8 at 4:00 pm at Trinity. A meal will follow.  Please let Rosann or Pastor Cowell know if you’re planning to attend so we can get a count for the meal. 

Strengthening Marriage Workshop - The Iowa District West Education and Family Life Committee is hosting a marriage strengthening workshop for all married couples on Saturday, February 8th from 9:00-2:00 at Trinity, Algona. This workshop will benefit both those who are recently married to those who have been married for many years. Toni Larson, Licensed Counselor from Lutheran Family Service will lead us through a time to grow in communication skills, understand how God has uniquely designed man and woman, and lead you in focusing on your relationship. Morning refreshments and lunch are provided, as well as childcare if needed.  The cost is $40 per couple (paid the morning of the workshop). Register by Feb. 3rd at:  


Camp Okoboji News 

·         Annual Meeting is scheduled for April 18, 2020 at 11 a.m.  Each Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod in Iowa District West has the privilege of sending one delegate to the Annual Meeting of Camp. Consider being a delegate from St. John’s.

·         Annual Quilt Auction at Camp Okoboji will be May 23, 2020.  Please note the earlier date this year! This is the main fundraiser for the Auxiliary and the camp. Mark your calendars.

·         Cub/Jr High/ Youth Week at Camp has Scholarships available. The Auxiliary awards 6 scholarships. Children can apply by picking up a form in the church office. Due: April 15.


Building Healthy Families:  “She may not have my eyes, she may not have my smile, but she has all my heart.”—New Adoptive Parent  LFS is here to help join infants to their forever families through adoption. Parents who would adopt, implant and deliver babies that now exist as frozen embryos are encouraged to prayerfully consider the needs of one of these children known and loved by God, yet unborn. If you know of anyone interested in embryo adoption, invite them to visit the LFS website to learn more.




Burt Summer Celebration Silent Auction and Luncheon will be held February 23 at the Burt Complex from 10:30 to 1:00 p.m. They are asking for any donations for the Silent Auction. All proceeds go to keeping Burt Summer Celebration a free event.  If you wish to donate something, please contact Burt City Hall.




1 Samuel 1:21–28; Hebrews 2:14–18; Luke 2:22–40


God Gives the Gift of a Child to Destroy Death

The Lord opened the barren womb of Hannah and gave her the gift of the son for whom she prayed, and in grateful response she presented and gave the child, Samuel, to the Lord’s service. “As long as he lives, he is lent to the Lord” (1 Sam. 2:28). So, too, did Mary and Joseph present the Child promised from the fall, born of a virgin’s womb. The true offering wasn’t the turtledoves or young pigeons. It was the Child they carried. This Child has come to “destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery” (Heb. 2:14b–15). Set free by His advent in our flesh and the promise of what He would do “in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people” (Heb. 2:17b), Simeon and Anna rejoiced, and we with them, for we know that we, too, can face death unafraid and “depart in peace” (Luke 2:29) when our time comes.



Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration, Article VII: The Holy Supper, paragraphs 34-39

From Dr. Luther as the leading teacher of the Augsburg Confession, any intelligent person can see the proper meaning of the Augsburg Confession on this article.


In addition to Christ's and St. Paul's expressions (the bread in the Supper is the body of Christ or the communion of the body of Christ), the following forms are also used: under the bread, with the bread, in the bread. With these words the papistic transubstantiation may be rejected and the sacramental union of the bread's unchanged essence and Christ's body may be shown. In the same way, the "the Word became flesh" show that the divine essence is not changed into the human nature. But the two natures, unchanged, are united. So in the Holy Supper the two substances, the bread and Christ's body, are present together in the Sacrament. This union is a sacramental union. The words of Christ's ("This is My body") are not a figurative, allegorical expression, but a unique expression. Justin says:


This we receive not as common bread and common drink. We receive them as Jesus Christ, our Savior, who through the Word of God became flesh. For the sake of our salvation He also had flesh and blood. So we believe that the food blessed by Him through the Word and prayer is the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. 







Thursday, January 23, 2020


St. John’s Lutheran Church

109 Maple St. Burt, Iowa|Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod



Pastor: Rev. Thomas Cowell                                     Secretary: Rosann Shipler

 Pastor’s Cell: 319-464-5548                                       Church Office: 515-924-3344        

Pastor’s Email:                 Church Email:        


January 26, 2020


Almighty and everlasting God, mercifully look upon our infirmities and stretch forth the hand of Your majesty to heal and defend us; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.



Today, January 26    

   8:00  a.m.         Sunday School/Adult Class  

   9:00  a.m.         Divine Service (Epiphany 3)                                    

   10:00 a.m.        Voter’s Meeting


Monday, January 27

  7 & 9:00 a.m.   Women’s Bible Study - Trinity


Wednesday, January 28

   6:00 p.m.         Religion School


Sunday, February 2

   8:00 a.m.          Sunday School/Adult Class

   9:00 a.m.          Divine Service (C)


  Sunday, January 26

    Feast of St. Titus, Pastor and Confessor 


   Monday, January 27

    Commemoration of John Chrysostom,







Organist Today:  Marcia Hanna            Ushers for January:    David Haase, Jeff Schutjer

                                                                                                                           & Larry Behnkendorf                                             Acolyte: none-assigned         Elder for January:       Tony Hatten

Greeters: Dave and Linda Kerkove       Greeters Next Week:  Vern and Joan Koestler


Adult Bible Study - Our Sunday morning adult Bible study class is studying the Biblical roots of the liturgy of the Divine Service, with special focus on the unique features of our Lutheran liturgy. 


Quarterly Voter’s Meeting will immediately follow the service today.


Christian New Year Resolutions - There is a handout on the back table which lists a few resources that can help you take on a Christian New Year resolution to grow in some aspect of your Christian faith.  Feel free to ask Pastor about the many other resources our congregation, district, and synod provide that can help you grow in your faith toward God and love toward your neighbor. 


Annual Report:  Today is the last day to get your Annual Report articles in to the church office.


Usher, Greeter, Acolyte Sign-Ups - On the back table are sign-up sheets for greeters, ushers, and acolytes to give you an opportunity to sign up for a spot that works for you. Feel free to sign your name on more than one line! This sign-up sheet will be out through today 


The Funeral Committee is looking for one more person to help with funerals. Contact Ann Heyes if you would be willing to help.


Lenten Services - All our evening services for Lent will be held at 6:00 p.m.  Note the new time!


Thank you for the $295.00 you gave to the Kossuth County C.A.R.E Team in 2019. With this we will be able to provide services to the children of Kossuth County whose safety and well-being are at risk.  Thank you and God bless!  Linda Vaudt



Welcome New Associate Pastor! - Pastor Mark Lund has accepted the call to become Trinity’s new Associate Pastor. Pastor Lund is joining us with his wife Hope and daughter Eleanor.  Pastor Lund’s installation is Saturday, February 8 at 4:00 pm at Trinity. A meal will follow.  Please let Rosann or Pastor Cowell know if you’re planning to attend so we can get a count for the meal. 


Strengthening Marriage Workshop - The Iowa District West Education and Family Life Committee is hosting a marriage strengthening workshop for all married couples on Saturday, February 8th from 9:00-2:00 at Trinity, Algona. This workshop will benefit both those who are recently married to those who have been married for many years. Toni Larson, Licensed Counselor from Lutheran Family Service will lead us through a time to grow in communication skills, understand how God has uniquely designed man and woman, and lead you in focusing on your relationship. Morning refreshments and lunch are provided, as well as childcare if needed.  The cost is $40 per couple (paid the morning of the workshop). Register by Feb. 3rd at:  


Camp Okoboji News 

·         Annual Meeting is scheduled for April 18, 2020 at 11 a.m.  Each Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod in Iowa District West has the privilege of sending one delegate to the Annual Meeting of Camp. Consider being a delegate from St. John’s.

·         Annual Quilt Auction at Camp Okoboji will be May 23, 2020.  Please note the earlier date this year! This is the main fundraiser for the Auxiliary and the camp. Mark your calendars.

·         Cub/Jr High/ Youth Week at Camp has Scholarships available. The Auxiliary awards 6 scholarships. Children can apply by picking up a form in the church office. Due: April 15.


Building Healthy Families: Our culture encourages us to see the world and our relationships through a lens of individualism, in which we make decisions based on this question: “How will this affect ME?” How would our world be different if we returned to a faith, family, and community-centered lens, in which decisions are instead based on this question: “How will my actions effect my children, my spouse, my parents, my congregational family, my community?” Lutheran Family Service is Iowa’s only Recognized Service Organization (RSO) by the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) for Pregnancy Support, Adoption Services, Family Wellness, Mental Health & Marriage Counseling.



Burt Summer Celebration Silent Auction and Luncheon will be held February 23 at the Burt Complex.  They are asking for any donations to auction off. All proceeds go to keeping Burt Summer Celebration a free event.  If you wish to donate something, please contact Burt City Hall.





Isaiah 9:1–4; 1 Corinthians 1:10–18; Matthew 4:12–25


The Lord Manifests His Glory through His Office of the Holy Ministry

By His coming in the flesh and by His preaching and miracles, the Lord Jesus shines the light of His Gospel upon “the people who walked in darkness” and “who dwelt in a land of deep darkness” (Is. 9:2). He has also “multiplied the nation” and “increased its joy” (Is. 9:3) by calling disciples to Himself from the ends of the earth. For this purpose, He calls Peter and Andrew, with James and John, to follow Him and be “fishers of men” (Matt. 4:19).  As Jesus did, they also go forth “proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction among the people” (Matt. 4:23). They preach the foolishness of the Cross of Christ as the very power and wisdom of God. This word and preaching of the Cross divides “those who are perishing” from “us who are being saved” (1 Cor. 1:18), but it unites the Church, the one Body of Christ, “in the same mind and the same judgment” (1 Cor. 1:10).



Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration, Article XI: God’s Eternal Election, paragraphs 27-28

Paul says "those whom He predestined [elected and foreordained] He also called" (Romans 8:30). God does not call without means, but through the Word. For He has commanded "that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in His name" [Luke 24:47]. St. Paul also testifies in a similar way; he writes, "We are ambassadors for Christ, God making His appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God" (2 Corinthians 5:20). The King calls the guests that He wants to have at His Son's wedding through the ministers He sends out (Matthew 22:2-14). He sends some at the first and some at the second, third, sixth, ninth, and even at the eleventh hour (Matthew 20:3-6).


If we want to think about our eternal election to salvation helpfully, we must in every way hold strongly and firmly to this truth: just as the preaching of repentance is universal, so also the promise of the Gospel is universal. It belongs to all people. For this reason Christ has given these commands:

Repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in His name to all nations. (Luke 24:47)


The blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:7)


Not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)







Thursday, January 16, 2020


St. John’s Lutheran Church

 109 Maple St. Burt, Iowa|Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod


Pastor: Rev. Thomas Cowell                             Secretary: Rosann Shipler

Pastor’s Cell: 319-464-5548                                 Church Office: 515-924-3344

Pastor’s Email:          Church Email:               


January 19, 2020


Almighty and everlasting God, who governs all things in heaven and on earth, mercifully hear the prayers of Your people and grant us Your peace through all our days; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.



Today, January 19                

   8:00  a.m.         Sunday School/Adult Class  

   9:00  a.m.         Divine Service (Epiphany 2) (C)                                    

   10:00 a.m.        Voter’s Meeting


Monday, January 20

  7 & 9:00 a.m.   Women’s Bible Study - Trinity


Wednesday, January 22

   6:00 p.m.         Religion School


Sunday, January 26

   8:00 a.m.          Sunday School/Adult Class

   9:00 a.m.          Divine Service


  Monday, January 20

    Commemoration of Sarah


  Friday, January 24

    Feast of St. Timothy, Pastor and Confessor 


  Saturday, January 25

    Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul 




Organist Today:  Marcia Hanna                                  Ushers for January:   David Haase, Jeff Schutjer

                                                                                                                               & Larry Behnkendorf                              

Acolyte: Breckin Borchardt & Taylor Parsons             Elder for January:      Tony Hatten

Greeters: Short and Pat Eimers                                     Greeters Next Week:  Dave & Linda Kerkove


Adult Bible Study - Our Sunday morning adult Bible study class is studying the Biblical roots of the liturgy of the Divine Service, with special focus on the unique features of our Lutheran liturgy. 


Quarterly Voter’s Meeting will immediately follow the service today.


Christian New Year Resolutions - There is a handout on the back table which lists a few resources that can help you take on a Christian New Year resolution to grow in some aspect of your Christian faith.  Feel free to ask Pastor about the many other resources our congregation, district, and synod provide that can help you grow in your faith toward God and love toward your neighbor. 


Annual Report:  There are several Year End Reports that I have not received yet.  A reminder, if you’re responsible for a report for the annual yearbook, please email those to the church office at - or bring it to the church office. Rosann


Usher, Greeter, Acolyte Sign-Ups - On the back table are sign-up sheets for greeters, ushers, and acolytes to give you an opportunity to sign up for a spot that works for you. Feel free to sign your name on more than one line! The sign-up sheet will be out through Sunday, January 19.


The Funeral Committee is looking for one more person to help with funerals. Contact Ann Heyes if you would be willing to help.




Associate Pastor Call Update - At Trinity’s Call Meeting in October, the congregation voted to extend a call to a pastor from the North American Lutheran Church who was currently going through the “colloquy process” to become a pastor in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.  As of January 10, Pastor Mark Lund, has been officially approved as a pastor within the LCMS and has been issued the call to be our new Associate Pastor. Please keep Pastor Lund and his family in your prayers as they begin this transition. More information will be coming soon regarding our timeline moving forward. 


Strengthening Marriage Workshop - The Iowa District West Education and Family Life Committee is hosting a marriage strengthening workshop for all married couples on Saturday, February 8th from 9:00-2:00 at Trinity, Algona. This workshop will benefit both those who are recently married to those who have been married for many years. Toni Larson, Licensed Counselor from Lutheran Family Service will lead us through a time to grow in communication skills, understand how God has uniquely designed man and woman, and lead you in focusing on your relationship. Morning refreshments and lunch are provided, as well as childcare if needed.  The cost is $40 per couple (paid the morning of the workshop). Register by Feb. 3rd at:  


Camp Okoboji News 


·         Family Funfest at Camp Okoboji is Saturday, January 25 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.  Carnival Games, Bingo, Ping Pong Tournament, Sledding, a Horse-Drawn Sleigh Ride, Winter Games and a Warm Meal will be served.  Come and enjoy the camp in the winter. Contact Camp Okoboji at 712-337-3325 or for information.

·         Family Ice Fishing Retreat is the weekend of January 25-27, 2019.  This retreat is for anyone who loves to ice fish or wants to learn.  Cost: Adults: $135 each and Children 3-9: $85. Fee includes: All meals, 2 nights lodging and program!  There will be fishing guides available during the weekend. A fish fry will be held on Saturday evening. Bring warm clothes, poles, bait, port-a-shack and ice auger if you have one and Let’s Go Fishin’! Online Registration or questions contact Camp Office - 712-337-3325 or




Come and Go Wedding Shower for Tiffany (Arend) and Perry Diekhuisis being held on Saturday, January 25 from 2-4 p.m. at the Burt Community Center.  Everyone is welcome!  

Burt Summer Celebration Silent Auction and Luncheon will be held February 23 at the Burt Complex.  They are asking for any donations to auction off. All proceeds go to keeping Burt Summer Celebration a free event.  If you wish to donate something, please contact Burt City Hall.





Isaiah 49:1–7; 1 Corinthians 1:1–9; John 1:29–42a


God Reveals His Glory in Christ and His Cross

“The Lord, the Redeemer of Israel” calls forth “His Holy One” (Is. 49:7), Jesus, the Christ, “from the womb” of His Mother (Is. 49:1). The Incarnate Son of God is revealed as the Savior, not only for Israel, but also “as a light for the nations” whose salvation reaches “to the ends of the earth” (Is. 49:6). John came “baptizing with water” (John 1:31) to reveal Jesus as “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29) and who glorifies His God and Father by His atoning sacrifice upon the Cross. When Jesus was baptized in the waters of the Jordan, the Holy Spirit descended “from heaven like a dove” and “remained on Him” (John 1:32).  By our Baptism, we are anointed by the same Spirit, adopted by God the Father, and “called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 1:9).  Therefore, we “are not lacking in any spiritual gift,” but we can trust Him who promises to sustain us to the end, “guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 1:7–8).




Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Article IV: Justification, paragraphs 103-104

Ambrose says in his letter to a certain Irenaeus:

The world was subject to God by the Law because, according to the command of the Law, all are indicted. And yet, by the works of the Law, no one is justified. For, by the Law, sin is perceived, but guilt is not taken away. The Law, which declared all people sinners, seemed to have done harm. But when the Lord Jesus Christ came, He forgave to all people the sin, which no one could avoid. And, by the shedding of His own blood, He blotted out the handwriting that was against us. This is what he says in Romans 5:20, "The law came in to increase the trespass, but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more." After the whole world became subject, Christ took away the sin of the whole world, as John testified in John 1:29, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" For this reason let no one boast about works, because no one is justified by his deeds. He who is righteous has righteousness given to him because he was justified from the washing of Baptism. Faith, therefore, is that which frees through the blood of Christ, because he is blessed "whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered" (Psalm 32:1).

Ambrose clearly denies justification to works and teaches that faith sets us free through the blood of Christ. 










Thursday, January 09, 2020


St. John’s Lutheran Church

 109 Maple St. Burt, Iowa|Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod


Pastor: Rev. Thomas Cowell                             Secretary: Rosann Shipler

Pastor’s Cell: 319-464-5548                                 Church Office: 515-924-3344              

Pastor’s Email:          Church Email:               


January 12, 2020


Father in heaven, at the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River You proclaimed Him Your beloved Son and anointed Him with the Holy Spirit. Make all who are baptized in His name faithful in their calling as Your children and inheritors with Him of everlasting life; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.




The Church:

  Lutherans in Africa 

      & Pastor James May

  The Gate Lutheran Church, Ankeny 

      & their call process for a pastor

  Trinity Lutheran Church, Algona 

      & Pastor Tom Schlund

Those With Birthdays:

  Tysen Wickman (12th)

  Clark Christensen  (13th)

  Stefanie Hatten  (15th)

  Harold Lavrenz (16th)

  Christie Schutter (16th)

  Duane Peter (17th)  

Comfort, Health, & Recovery:

   Joan Koestler; Red Madsen;

   Pam Madsen; Jacob Thilges;

   Wendell & Esther Christensen; 

   Ruth Nerem; Karen Karels;

   Janice Schealler; Richard Knoll;

   Pat Eimers

  Trinity regarding their decision on an associate Pastor.




Today, January 12                            

   8:00  a.m.      Sunday School/Adult Class  

   9:00  a.m.      Divine Service (Epiphany) (C)                                    

   10:00 a.m.     First Quarter Council Meeting

  2-5:00 p.m     Cowell Epiphany Open House 


Monday, January 13

  7 & 9:00 a.m.  Women Bible Study-Trinity


Tuesday, January 14

   8:30 a.m.     Pastor’s Circuit Meeting 


Wednesday, January 15

   6:00 p.m.     Religion School



  Sunday, January 19

   8:00 a.m.        Sunday School/Adult Class

   9:00  a.m.       Divine Service (C)

  10:00 a.m.       Voter’s Meeting



  Saturday,  January 18

    Feast of the Confession of St. Peter 




Organist Today: Kitty Bierstedt               Ushers for December: David Haase, Jeff Schutjer

                                                                                                                             & Larry Behnkendorf                                             Acolyte: Breckin Borchardt & Tysen Wickman             Elder for January:        Tony Hatten

Greeters: Barb Schroeder & Gabby Kelly            Greeters Next Week:   Short & Pat Eimers


Adult Bible Study - Our Sunday morning adult Bible study class is studying the Biblical roots of the liturgy of the Divine Service, with special focus on the unique features of our Lutheran liturgy. 


Thank-You to everyone who donated to Lutherans in Africa during the presentation and lunch last Sunday.  We raised $738!  We are also thankful to our mission board and all who helped organize and serve the soup lunch.  You are able to give to Lutherans in Africa year-round by designating mission dollars on your offering envelope, or by giving directly to them by check or credit card using the information in the brochure at the back of church. 


Christian New Year Resolutions - There is a handout on the back table which lists a few resources that can help you take on a Christian New Year resolution to grow in some aspect of your Christian faith.  Feel free to ask Pastor about the many other resources our congregation, district, and synod provide that can help you grow in your faith toward God and love toward your neighbor. 


Installation of Officers - All new and returning council members will be installed during the service today.  The congregation is thankful for all who served as officers in the previous term!  


Council Meeting - We will have a council meeting after church on Sunday, January 12. The voter’s meeting is Sunday, January 19.


Annual Report:  There are several Year End Reports that I have not received yet.  A reminder, if you’re responsible for a report for the annual yearbook, please email those to the church office at - or bring it to the church office. Rosann


Usher, Greeter, Acolyte Sign-Ups - On the back table are sign-up sheets for greeters, ushers, and acolytes to give you an opportunity to sign up for a spot that works for you. Feel free to sign your name on more than one line! The sign-up sheet will be out through Sunday, January 19.


Cowell Family Epiphany Open House - Join us at the Cowell house, 609 E. Kennedy St., from 2:00-5:00 to celebrate Christmas and Epiphany with your church family!


The Funeral Committee is looking for one more person to help with funerals. Contact Ann Heyes if you would be willing to help.




Strengthening Marriage Workshop - The Iowa District West Education and Family Life Committee is hosting a marriage strengthening workshop for all married couples on Saturday, February 8th from 9:00-2:00 at Trinity, Algona. This workshop will benefit both those who are recently married to those who have been married for many years. Toni Larson, Licensed Counselor from Lutheran Family Service will lead us through a time to grow in communication skills, understand how God has uniquely designed man and woman, and lead you in focusing on your relationship. Morning refreshments and lunch are provided, as well as childcare if needed.  The cost is $40 per couple (paid the morning of the workshop). Register by Feb. 3rd at:  


Camp Okoboji News 

·         Family Funfest at Camp Okoboji is Saturday, January 25 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.  Carnival Games, Bingo, Ping Pong Tournament, Sledding, a Horse-Drawn Sleigh Ride, Winter Games and a Warm Meal will be served.  Come and enjoy the camp in the winter. Contact Camp Okoboji at 712-337-3325 or for information.

·         Family Ice Fishing Retreat is the weekend of January 25-27, 2019.  This retreat is for anyone who loves to ice fish or wants to learn.  Cost: Adults: $135 each and Children 3-9: $85. Fee includes: All meals, 2 nights lodging and program!  There will be fishing guides available during the weekend. A fish fry will be held on Saturday evening. Bring warm clothes, poles, bait, port-a-shack and ice auger if you have one and Let’s Go Fishin’! Online Registration or questions contact Camp Office - 712-337-3325 or


Thank You for the gift of $800 which was received in our office on December 30 to support the work that we do each day with children, teens, adults, couples and families in need. May God bless you all today and every day in His promise of life everlasting through the Savior who is born for you.   Rev. Max Phillips, Executive Director.



Come and Go Wedding Shower for Tiffany (Arend) and Perry Diekhuis on Saturday, January 25 from 2-4 p.m. at the Burt Community Center.  Everyone is welcome! 


LECTIONARY SUMMARY (Baptism of Our Lord)


Isaiah 42:1–9; Romans 6:1–11; Matthew 3:13–17


The Holy Triune God Is Manifested and Reveals Himself to Us in Holy Baptism

The Baptism of our Lord is an “Epiphany” of the one true God in the flesh and blood of Jesus.  He is the chosen Servant of the Lord, anointed with the Spirit for the rescue of God’s people and “to bring forth justice to the nations” (Is. 42:1). Thus, He makes all things new, and He is given “as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations” (Is. 42:6). In the waters of the Jordan, He takes His place with sinners and takes all the sins of the world upon Himself. He undergoes the baptism of repentance in order to “fulfill all righteousness” for us (Matt. 3:15). He submits Himself to the curse of sin and death, in order to redeem us. We are baptized with a baptism like His, thereby dying and rising with Him, so that “we will also live with Him” (Rom. 6:8). Indeed, all of us who are baptized into Christ Jesus are anointed with His Spirit and named by His Father as beloved and well-pleasing sons and daughters.




Large Catechism, Article IV: Baptism, paragraphs 64-68

We must know what Baptism signifies and why God has ordained just this outward sign and ceremony for the Sacrament by which we are first received into the Christian Church. The act or ceremony is this: we are sunk under the water, which passes over us, and afterward are drawn out again. These two parts, (1) to be sunk under the water and (b) drawn out again, signify Baptism's power and work. It is nothing other than putting to death the old Adam and affecting the new man's resurrection after that [Romans 6:4-6]. Both of these things must take place in us all our lives. So a truly Christian life is nothing other than a daily Baptism, once begun and ever to be continued. For this must be done without ceasing, that we always keep purging away whatever belongs to the old Adam. Then what belongs to the new man may come forth. But what is the old man? It is what is born in human beings from Adam: anger, hate, envy, unchastity, stinginess, laziness, arrogance - yes, unbelief. The old man is infected with all vices and has by nature nothing good in him [Romans 7:18]. Now, when we have come into Christ's kingdom [John 3:5], these things must daily decrease. The longer we live the more we become gentle, patient, meek, and ever turn away from unbelief, greed, hatred, envy, and arrogance.


This is Baptism’s true use among Christians, as signified by baptizing with water.