St. John’s Lutheran Church
109 Maple St. Burt, Iowa|Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Pastor: Rev. Thomas Cowell Secretary: Rosann Shipler
Pastor’s Cell: 319-464-5548 Church Office: 515-924-3344
Pastor’s Email: Church Email:
January 19, 2020
Almighty and everlasting God, who governs all things in heaven and on earth, mercifully hear the prayers of Your people and grant us Your peace through all our days; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
THIS WEEK AT ST. JOHN’S Today, January 19 8:00 a.m. Sunday School/Adult Class 9:00 a.m. Divine Service (Epiphany 2) (C) 10:00 a.m. Voter’s Meeting Monday, January 20 7 & 9:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study - Trinity Wednesday, January 22 6:00 p.m. Religion School Sunday, January 26 8:00 a.m. Sunday School/Adult Class 9:00 a.m. Divine Service | THIS WEEK IN THE CHURCH YEAR Monday, January 20 Commemoration of Sarah Friday, January 24 Feast of St. Timothy, Pastor and Confessor Saturday, January 25 Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul |
Organist Today: Marcia Hanna Ushers for January: David Haase, Jeff Schutjer
& Larry Behnkendorf
Acolyte: Breckin Borchardt & Taylor Parsons Elder for January: Tony Hatten
Greeters: Short and Pat Eimers Greeters Next Week: Dave & Linda Kerkove
Adult Bible Study - Our Sunday morning adult Bible study class is studying the Biblical roots of the liturgy of the Divine Service, with special focus on the unique features of our Lutheran liturgy.
Quarterly Voter’s Meeting will immediately follow the service today.
Christian New Year Resolutions - There is a handout on the back table which lists a few resources that can help you take on a Christian New Year resolution to grow in some aspect of your Christian faith. Feel free to ask Pastor about the many other resources our congregation, district, and synod provide that can help you grow in your faith toward God and love toward your neighbor.
Annual Report: There are several Year End Reports that I have not received yet. A reminder, if you’re responsible for a report for the annual yearbook, please email those to the church office at - or bring it to the church office. Rosann
Usher, Greeter, Acolyte Sign-Ups - On the back table are sign-up sheets for greeters, ushers, and acolytes to give you an opportunity to sign up for a spot that works for you. Feel free to sign your name on more than one line! The sign-up sheet will be out through Sunday, January 19.
The Funeral Committee is looking for one more person to help with funerals. Contact Ann Heyes if you would be willing to help.
Associate Pastor Call Update - At Trinity’s Call Meeting in October, the congregation voted to extend a call to a pastor from the North American Lutheran Church who was currently going through the “colloquy process” to become a pastor in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. As of January 10, Pastor Mark Lund, has been officially approved as a pastor within the LCMS and has been issued the call to be our new Associate Pastor. Please keep Pastor Lund and his family in your prayers as they begin this transition. More information will be coming soon regarding our timeline moving forward.
Strengthening Marriage Workshop - The Iowa District West Education and Family Life Committee is hosting a marriage strengthening workshop for all married couples on Saturday, February 8th from 9:00-2:00 at Trinity, Algona. This workshop will benefit both those who are recently married to those who have been married for many years. Toni Larson, Licensed Counselor from Lutheran Family Service will lead us through a time to grow in communication skills, understand how God has uniquely designed man and woman, and lead you in focusing on your relationship. Morning refreshments and lunch are provided, as well as childcare if needed. The cost is $40 per couple (paid the morning of the workshop). Register by Feb. 3rd at:
Camp Okoboji News
· Family Funfest at Camp Okoboji is Saturday, January 25 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Carnival Games, Bingo, Ping Pong Tournament, Sledding, a Horse-Drawn Sleigh Ride, Winter Games and a Warm Meal will be served. Come and enjoy the camp in the winter. Contact Camp Okoboji at 712-337-3325 or for information.
· Family Ice Fishing Retreat is the weekend of January 25-27, 2019. This retreat is for anyone who loves to ice fish or wants to learn. Cost: Adults: $135 each and Children 3-9: $85. Fee includes: All meals, 2 nights lodging and program! There will be fishing guides available during the weekend. A fish fry will be held on Saturday evening. Bring warm clothes, poles, bait, port-a-shack and ice auger if you have one and Let’s Go Fishin’! Online Registration or questions contact Camp Office - 712-337-3325 or
Come and Go Wedding Shower for Tiffany (Arend) and Perry Diekhuisis being held on Saturday, January 25 from 2-4 p.m. at the Burt Community Center. Everyone is welcome!
Burt Summer Celebration Silent Auction and Luncheon will be held February 23 at the Burt Complex. They are asking for any donations to auction off. All proceeds go to keeping Burt Summer Celebration a free event. If you wish to donate something, please contact Burt City Hall.
Isaiah 49:1–7; 1 Corinthians 1:1–9; John 1:29–42a
God Reveals His Glory in Christ and His Cross
“The Lord, the Redeemer of Israel” calls forth “His Holy One” (Is. 49:7), Jesus, the Christ, “from the womb” of His Mother (Is. 49:1). The Incarnate Son of God is revealed as the Savior, not only for Israel, but also “as a light for the nations” whose salvation reaches “to the ends of the earth” (Is. 49:6). John came “baptizing with water” (John 1:31) to reveal Jesus as “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29) and who glorifies His God and Father by His atoning sacrifice upon the Cross. When Jesus was baptized in the waters of the Jordan, the Holy Spirit descended “from heaven like a dove” and “remained on Him” (John 1:32). By our Baptism, we are anointed by the same Spirit, adopted by God the Father, and “called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 1:9). Therefore, we “are not lacking in any spiritual gift,” but we can trust Him who promises to sustain us to the end, “guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 1:7–8).
Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Article IV: Justification, paragraphs 103-104
Ambrose says in his letter to a certain Irenaeus:
The world was subject to God by the Law because, according to the command of the Law, all are indicted. And yet, by the works of the Law, no one is justified. For, by the Law, sin is perceived, but guilt is not taken away. The Law, which declared all people sinners, seemed to have done harm. But when the Lord Jesus Christ came, He forgave to all people the sin, which no one could avoid. And, by the shedding of His own blood, He blotted out the handwriting that was against us. This is what he says in Romans 5:20, "The law came in to increase the trespass, but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more." After the whole world became subject, Christ took away the sin of the whole world, as John testified in John 1:29, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" For this reason let no one boast about works, because no one is justified by his deeds. He who is righteous has righteousness given to him because he was justified from the washing of Baptism. Faith, therefore, is that which frees through the blood of Christ, because he is blessed "whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered" (Psalm 32:1).
Ambrose clearly denies justification to works and teaches that faith sets us free through the blood of Christ.
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