Thursday, October 18, 2018


October 21, 2018


Share the Blessing Letters and Giving Envelopes were put in the boxes last week.  Financial Committee


The Blessings of Every Sunday Communion: As we continue our conversations about the blessings of every Sunday Communion, please consider filling out a survey with your thoughts on the topic on the back table.  You can place your completed surveys in Pastor's box or slip it under his office door. 


Quarterly Voter’s Meeting will be held today following the service.


Preschool Soup Luncheon – Today the Preschool Board will be hosting a Soup Luncheon from 11-1:00 p.m.  Once again we will be serving Chili, Chicken Noodle, and Potato Soups. Bring your containers for carry outs or we will have some, if you aren’t able to stay after church.  See you there!  Free will donation! 


Parish Messenger Articles are due to Linda Kerkove for the November/December edition no later than Sunday, October 28th.


Preschool Bake Sale - The Kids of the Kingdom Preschool Board will be holding a Bake Sale Fundraiser at the same time as Lions Club Breakfast on Sunday, October 28th from 8-1 p.m.   If you wish to furnish for this, please contact a Board Member.


Adult Bible Class – We are studying our Synod’s Explanation of the Small Catechism published in 2017.  These are the 374 questions in the back of Luther’s Small Catechism which help us apply the six chief parts of the Catechism to issues of our current church and culture.


Algona Circuit Reformation Celebration - You are invited to the Algona Circuit Reformation Celebration.  The celebration will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church, 520 N. Garfield St. in Algona on Sunday, October 28th.  We'll begin at 4:00 p.m. with a Divine Service, followed by German-style food and fellowship at 5:30 p.m.  There will be a free-will offering to offset the cost of the meal.  Our guest preacher will be Pastor Henry Witte, pastor and missionary to the Hispanic population in the Sioux City area.  Our offering during the service will go toward his ministry efforts.  Please sign the sign-up sheet in the back of church to give us an estimate for how much food to prepare.        


Lutheran Family Services Ballot for Election of Board of Directors:  We have received the ballot for the church to vote on two candidates for LFS Directors: Cara Heiden, Trinity Des Moines or Holly Bierschenk, St. John’s Newhall.   We also have the option to write in a name.  If you would or know of someone who would like to be put on the ballot, please let Rosann in the office know. 


Free Children's Resource - Iowa District West has provided us with free copies of the children's book "Do You Know Who Jesus Is?" to hand out to children in our area.  One idea they had for getting these books to children is to hand them out with your Halloween candy (WITH your Halloween candy - don't forget the candy!).  Feel free to take as many copies on the back table as you'd like. 


Lessons on the Liturgy – What is the difference between the Law and the Gospel?

The Law teaches what we are to do and not to do; the Gospel teaches what God has done, and still does, in Jesus, for our salvation.  The Law shows us our sin and the wrath of God; the Gospel shows us our Savior and brings God’s grace and favor. The Law must be proclaimed to all people, but especially to sinners who refuse to repent; the Gospel must be proclaimed to sinners who are troubled by their sins.  See Romans 3:20; John 6:63; Romans 1:16. - An Explanation of the Small Catechism (2017), p. 49


Omelet Breakfast – The Lions Club will be hosting an Omelet Breakfast at the Burt Activity Complex on Sunday, October 28, 2018 from 8-1:00 p.m.  


This Week at St. John’s  – (October 21, 2018-October 28, 2018)

Today              8:00  am       Sunday School/Adult Class

                        9:00  am       Divine Service (Holy Communion)

                       10:00  am       Quarterly Voter’s Meeting

                  11-1:00  pm       Preschool Soup Luncheon

Wednesday     6:00  pm       Religion/Confirmation Classes

Sunday            8:00  am       Sunday School/Adult Class

                        9:00  am       Reformation Divine Service  (Holy Communion)

                       4:00   pm       Circuit Reformation Service at Trinity, Algona

                       5:30   pm       German-style food and fellowship time


Greeters Next Week:           Steve and Vickie Madsen

Acolytes:                            Tysen Wickman

Ushers for October:          *Randy Reimers, Terry Briggs and Chris Heyes

Elder for October:             Jeff Schutjer


Trinity Bible Studies – St. John’s members are welcome to attend any of the following Bible Studies at Trinity:

·         Wednesday AM Adult Bible Class – Mornings at 9:30 a.m.

·         BYOB (Bring Your Own Bible) – Tuesday Evenings Bible Study at 7:30 p.m. at parsonage.

·         Women’s Bible Study Monday’s: 7:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.