October 14, 2018
Share the Blessing Letters and Giving Envelopes are in your bulletin boxes this morning. Be sure to pick them up! Financial Committee
The Blessings of Every Sunday Communion: It has become immediately clear that Advent is too soon to begin every Sunday Communion at St. John's. I apologize for making any of you feel rushed by setting that goal. As we continue our conversation, please consider filling out a survey on the back table with your thoughts about every Sunday Communion. You can place your completed surveys in Pastor's box or slip it under his office door.
Quarterly Voter’s Meeting will be held on Sunday, October 21st following the service.
Preschool Soup Luncheon – On Sunday, October 21st from 11-1:00 p.m. the Kids of Kingdom Preschool Board will be holding a Soup Luncheon. Once again we will be serving Chili, Chicken Noodle, and Potato Soups. Bring your containers for carry outs or we will have some, if you aren’t able to stay after church. See you there! Free will donation!
(*Note Calendar change - Preschool Bake Sale will be October 28th at the Burt Activity Complex).
Donations of Buns - Kids of the Kingdom preschool has a sign-up sheet in the back of the church for anyone who would like to donate buns for the soup dinner. Any donation is appreciated. Thank you!
Adult Bible Class – We are studying our Synod’s Explanation of the Small Catechism published in 2017. These are the 374 questions in the back of Luther’s Small Catechism which help us apply the six chief parts of the Catechism to issues of our current church and culture.
Algona Circuit Reformation Celebration - You are invited to the Algona Circuit Reformation Celebration. The celebration will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church, 520 N. Garfield St. in Algona on Sunday, October 28th. We'll begin at 4:00 p.m. with a Divine Service, followed by German-style food and fellowship at 5:30 p.m. There will be a free-will offering to offset the cost of the meal. Our guest preacher will be Pastor Henry Witte, pastor and missionary to the Hispanic population in the Sioux City area. Our offering during the service will go toward his ministry efforts. Please sign the sign-up sheet in the back of church to give us an estimate for how much food to prepare.
Free Children's Resource - Iowa District West has provided us with free copies of the children's book "Do You Know Who Jesus Is?" to hand out to children in our area. One idea they had for getting these books to children is to hand them out with your Halloween candy (WITH your Halloween candy - don't forget the candy!). Feel free to take as many copies on the back table as you'd like.
Lessons on the Liturgy – Words do things
Words do more than just convey information. People use words purposefully: to instruct, encourage, warn, comfort. Bible passages also have varying goals. It is important to ask, What is the author of this passage trying to do to his hearers? Is he warning against a certain sin or danger? encouraging the persecuted? humbling the arrogant? assuring sinners of God’s mercy? training Christians in godly living? instilling the hope of heaven? The question is not simply or subjectively “What does this passage mean to me?” The question is this: “What was this biblical writer trying to say - and do - to his readers?” And, in light of that, “What is God saying here - and doing here - to me?” - An Explanation of the Small Catechism (2017), p. 356
Nascar Bus Trip – Camp Okoboji is offering a Bus Trip to the Kansas City Speedway on October 20-21, 2018! The cost is $300.00 per person which includes the following: Ticket (includes the Pre-race Pass), Bus cost and Hotel for Saturday Night (arrangements made by Camp) All meals are on your own. For more information and to register go to the webpage
Omelet Breakfast – The Lions Club will be hosting a Omelet Breakfast at the Burt Activity Complex on Sunday, October 28, 2018 from 8-1:00 p.m.
*The Kids of the Kingdom Preschool Board will be holding a Bake Sale Fundraiser at the same time as Lions Club Breakfast. If you wish to furnish for this, please contact a Board Member.
This Week at St. John’s – (October 14, 2018-October 21, 2018)
Acolytes: Tysen Wickman
Ushers for October: *Randy Reimers, Terry Briggs and Chris Heyes
Elder for October: Jeff Schutjer
Trinity Bible Studies – St. John’s members are welcome to attend any of the following Bible Studies at Trinity:
· Wednesday AM Adult Bible Class – Mornings at 9:30 a.m.
· BYOB (Bring Your Own Bible) – Tuesday Evenings Bible Study at 7:30 p.m. at parsonage.
· Women’s Bible Study – Monday’s: 7:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.
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