August 6, 2017
Vacation Bible School
· “Treasure Trek” VBS will begin this week so be sure and get signed up. Come with us on a Treasure Trek Discovering the TRUTH about Jesus in the Bible! Five fun-filled days learning Truth is a Treasure! We will begin our treasure hunt on Monday, August 7 thru the 11th from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Students 3 yrs-6th grade are invited to come along. You can register all children on our Webpage at by clicking on the logo Treasure Trek and submitting an email or call church office 515-924-3344.
· Needed - Still looking for volunteers to fill the staff. There is a sign-up sheet on the north table. Please consider helping us out this year. We would LOVE to have you join in on the FUN! To also help with expenses we are taking monetary donations. You may get those donations to Brenda Schutjer, Karla Schutter or place them in the offering plate marked VBS.
· Picnic/Program will be held Friday, August 11th at 6:30 p.m.
Iowa District West Publishes a District newsletter “The Messenger” each month. A Copy of the August Edition is on the table in the back east wall for you to take . If you wish to read this online go to the following website:
Religion School and Sunday School Students/Parents: A meeting has been scheduled for August 30th at 6:30 p.m. to meet with the Board of Education and Pastor Cowell for the Christian Education of your children Mark your calendars and be sure to all be there!
Farewell Service – Members from St. John’s are invited to Pastor and Jane Bergquist’s Farewll Service on Sunday, August 27, 2017 at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Lone rock. Our Joint Worship Service with St. Luke’s will begin at 10:30 a.m. with a meal to follow.
“Nailed It” is the theme of the Iowa District West Youth Gathering to be held in Des Moines at the Sheraton on Saturday, October 21-22, 2017. All 6, 7th & 8th student member of a LCMS church are invited to attend. Cost: $150. Talk to Pastor Cowell or stop by the church office for more information.
Building Healthy Families –“I think I can, I think I can, I think I can….” Remember this repeating line from the children’s book The Little Engine That Could? Yesterday and still today the story lines and themes of popular books, songs, movies or TV shows give us ample opportunity to begin a conversation with a young person that will influence their faith development. “I think I can…” provides a great opening for sharing how I can’t, but “All things are possible with God.” One episode of “The Bachelorette” provides plenty of opportunity to talk with your teen about how to choose a spouse and what’s really important in a marriage partner. Keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities to share faith and God’s good design for life and marriage with those in your family this week! Lutheran Family Service
Serving IDW Congregations: Camp Okoboji is committed to reaching out to and serving the congregations and members of Iowa District West. Camp Okoboji is your lake-front property in the beautiful and entertaining Okoboji area. Take advantage of it! Many programs are planned and organized so that all you have to do is sign-up. Afternoon events, weekend retreats, week-long camps offer something for everyone. Camp Okoboji hopes to see you soon!
This Week at St. John’s – ( August 6, 2017-August 13, 2017)
Greeters Next Week: Paul and Bobbie Jahnke
Acolyte This Week: Ushers
Head Usher: Roger Lavrenz
Ushers for August: * Clark Christensen, Harold Lavrenz & Jesse Fitzgerald
Elder for August: Jerry Koestler
Bible Readings for the week in conjunction with the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation this year:
Sunday, Day 281: Isaiah 39-40; Philippians 4
Monday, Day 282: Isaiah 41-42; Colossians 1
Tuesday, Day 283: Isaiah 43-44; Colossians 2
Wednesday, Day 284: Isaiah 45-47; Colossians 3
Thursday, Day 285: Isaiah 48-49; Colossians 4
Friday, Day 286: Isaiah 50-52; I Thessalonians 1
Friday, Day 287: Isaiah 53-55: 1 Thessalonians 2
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