Thursday, July 13, 2017


July 16, 2017



A Quarterly Voter’s Meeting will be held today following the service.


Thank You!!  Kids of the Kingdom Preschool Staff and Board give a heartfelt thank you to all for your  generous support given us for the Cobbler and Ice Cream Social at the Burt Summer Celebration.  If you donated monetary donations for supplies or stopped by to purchase cobbler – thank you so much for another very successful fundraiser day to help us continue our mission of teaching children about God’s love.  God’s blessing on all of you!!


Vacation Bible School

·         “Treasure Trek” is the theme for VBS to be held August 7-11th here at St. John’s from 6:00-8:00 p.m.  Students 3 yrs-6th grade are invited to attend. To help with expenses we will be taking monetary donations.  You may get those donations to Brenda Schujter, Karla Schutter or place them in the offering plate marked VBS.

·         Supplies Needed -  We are looking for any NICE old/used Christmas cards for a VBS craft we will be making.  Please get them to Brenda Schutjer or Karla Schutter no later than Sunday, July 23rd.    We are also looking for volunteers for this year’s VBS.   There is a sign-up sheet on the north table.  If interested in a FUN filled week of activities, please sign up.  We would LOVE to have you join in on the FUN!   Any questions, contact Karla Schutter or Brenda Schutjer.  THANK YOU SO MUCH!

·         Volunteers are needed to help with VBS.  A sign-up sheet is available in the back of the church.


Preschool Registration – We still have room for Children 3-5 years in Preschool.   If you know of a child who would like to come, please contact Jessie Parsons  515-320 - 0501


Pastoral Care – When you are in need of Pastoral Care you can contact Pastor Cowell at the church office 515-924-3388 or his cell 319-464-5548.  His email address is Pastor’s Office Hours will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays


Building Healthy FamiliesA beloved grandchild chooses for a time to walk a path that takes them away from their Christian faith. Though broken hearted and scared, don’t give up and don’t let natural emotions of disappointment, anger or fear direct your response. Instead, stay connected to them providing a living example of a life of love and faith, and take them to God daily in prayer, remembering and trusting that He loves them even more than you do and won’t let them go.    Lutheran Family Service


Aquatic Center Moonlight Pool Party:  You are invited to a Pool Party to be held on Saturday July 22nd from 8-9:30 p.m. at the Algona Aquatic Center (106 W Overmeyer Drive).  This is Open and Free to all Trinity (Algona) Lutheran Members and all people of the surrounding LCMS churches.  Bring your kids and come and have a good time.


This Week at St. John’s  – (July 16, 2017 - July 23, 2017)

Today           * 9:00  am       Service (Holy Communion) 

                       10:00  am       Voter’s Meeting                                                                        

Tuesday       2-2:30  pm       Pastor Cowell at Bible Study – Good Samaritan Home                                             

Sunday            9:00  am       Service


Greeters Next Week:         Shirlee Alt and Barb Thilges

Acolyte This Week:           Ushers

Head Usher:                       Roger Lavrenz 

Ushers for July:                * Larry Behnkendorf and Larry Manus

Elder for July:                     Jeff Schutjer/Boyd Shipler


Bible Readings for the week in conjunction with the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation this year:

      Sunday, Day 260:           Ecclesiastes 1:3; 2 Corinthians 9

      Monday, Day 261:         Ecclesiastes 4-6; 2 Corinthians 10                   

      Tuesday, Day 262:         Ecclesiastes 7-9; 2 Corinthians 11:1-15           

      Wednesday, Day 263: Ecclesiastes 10-12; 2 Corinthians 11:16-33

      Thursday, Day 264:        Song of Solomon 1-3; 2 Corinthians 12                     

      Friday, Day 265:             Song of Solomon 4-5;  2 Corinthians 13        

      Friday, Day 266:             Song of Solomon 6-8; Galatians 1