Thursday, June 29, 2017


July 2, 2017


Church Time - On July 16th we will be going back to 9:00 a.m. church.  Do not refer to the July calendar as that will say 8:00 a.m.  Pass the word on!!    Elders


Pastoral Care – When you are in need  of Pastoral Care you can contact Pastor Cowell at the church office 515-924-3388 or his cell 319-464-5548.  His email address is Pastor’s Office Hours will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays. 


Thank You - Hannah, Penny and I are deeply thankful for all who helped us move, for your cards and gift cards, for the beautiful choir at the ordination service, for the delicious meal, and for all who have given us a warm welcome to St. John's and Trinity.  I look forward to growing in Christ with you as your pastor.  I am also excited to begin to explore with you the blessings of our new partnership between St. John's and Trinity. 

   - Pastor Thomas Cowell 

Ladies Day OutLWML Ladies would like to invite all the Ladies of the church to a Day Out for Lunch at the Wrangler Cafe in Bancroft. We will be visiting Ruth Nerem in the afternoon at Stonebridge Asst. Living following lunch.  Please let  Janice Schealler know if you would like to come 515-924-3424. 


Kids of the Kingdom Preschool is once again having a ‘Cobbler and Ice Cream Social’ at the Burt Summer Celebration Saturday, July 8.  Rather than have the congregation bake for us we are asking for monetary donations for ingredients, so we can do the baking for you!  This fund raiser is another important way we can keep our St. John’s preschool available to the students.  Any amount is appreciated and you can give it to any Board member.  Thank you in advance!    Kids of the Kingdom Board and Staff


Thank You, Thank You for all your cards, gifts, and for the overwhelming show of support for the 14 months of Vacancy work that I had the honor and privilege to do for you.  It was truly a joy to come down each week and serve you.  It was a way that I could give back to each of you for all the support and love you have shown me over the years.  May God Bless each of you as your now take up the task of showing the same love and support for Pastor Cowell as he now brings you God’s Word each week into your lives.  -Pastor Reimers and family


Quarterly Council Meeting will be held on Sunday, July 9, 2017 following the service. The Voter’s Meeting will be held on Sunday, July 16, 2017 following that service.


Treasure Trek” is the theme for VBS to be held August 7-11th  here at St. John’s from 6:00-8:00 p.m.  Students 3yrs -6th grade are invited to attend.  Watch for more information to come.


Installation Service - You and the congregations you serve are invited to the installation service of Paul Schulz as Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, Mallard and Zion Lutheran Church, Ayrshire on

July 9 at 5:00 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Mallard. A meal will follow the service. 


Birthday Wishes – Phyllis Hanna will be celebrating her 90th Birthday on Thursday, July 13th.  Cards can reach her at 504 8th Street, Spirit Lake, Iowa 51360


Building Healthy Families: Unlike some countries where you must worship behind locked doors, we are fortunate to live in a country where we can openly express our religious beliefs. During your Independence Day celebrations this week, remember to pray for our Iowa senators and representatives that they may have the wisdom and boldness to protect life and our religious freedoms. Happy Independence Day! Lutheran Family Service


Project Hope ItemsThe Kossuth Economic Development Summer Intern Program is asking for help with “Project Hope” This project is to provide hundreds of children, teens and adults removed from their homes with personal care items such as: shampoo, toothpaste/brushes, soap, deodorant etc. (Hotel soaps/lotions can also be given)  A bucket has been placed in the back of the church for you to place these items.  This will only run for 1 week so get those in during the next week. Help Kossuth County kids/teens in need!!!  Cash donation can be left in church office or given to Deb Steven.


21st Annual Burt Summer Celebration on July 7-8th.           On Friday evening July 7th there will be a little Miss and Mr. Contest.  On Saturday the day is filled with Garage Sales 7 a.m.; Parade at 11 a.m.; Steak Dinner at Complex at 12 noon with Kids of the Kingdom Preschool Cobbler and Ice Cream Social; 12:30 p.m.; Entertainment will be held at The Complex all afternoon with the big event the Annual Toilet and Tank Toss at 4 p.m. Food; by Fair Board at 5:00 p.m.  Kids Tractor Pull and the Fireworks will be at 10 p.m. with a Street Dance to follow.  Come enjoy the whole day!


This Week at St. John’s  – (July 2, 2017- July 9, 2017)

Today              8:00   am       Service  (Holy Communion)

Tuesday                               Independence Day 

Thursday      12:30   pm       LWML Ladies Day Out at Bancroft                                          

Sunday           8:00   am       Service

                        9:00   am       Council Meeting


Greeters Next Week:         John and Wilma Smith

Acolyte This Week:           Ushers

Head Usher:                       Roger Lavrenz 

Ushers for June:              * Larry Behnkendorf and Larry Manus

Elder for July:                     Jeff Schutjer/Boyd Shipler


Bible Readings for the week in conjunction with the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation next year:

      Sunday, Day 246:           Proverbs 3-4: 1-Corinthians 13

      Monday, Day 247:         Proverbs 5-6; 1 Corinthians 14:1-20                

      Tuesday, Day 248:         Proverbs 7-8; 1 Corinthians 14:21-40              

      Wednesday, Day 249: Proverbs 9-10; 1 Corinthians 15:1-32                 

      Thursday, Day 250:        Proverbs 11-12; 1 Corinthians 15:33-58          

      Friday, Day 251:             Proverbs 13-14; 1 Corinthians 16        

            Saturday, Day 252:     Proverbs 15-16; 2 Corinthians 1