Thursday, June 15, 2017


June 18, 2017


Heartfelt Thank You!!  Coffee and Rolls will be served following the church service on Sunday, June 25th in Honor of Rev. Russell Reimers and family.  This is to thank him for the many trips to Burt to serve us this past year.  


Ordination/Installation for Pastor Elect Thomas Cowell will be on Sunday, June 25 at 4:00 p.m. here at St. John’s with lunch served following the service. Be sure to mark this date and attend this special event.


Quilt Auction & Craft Sale at Camp Okoboji -  Sat. June 24, 12:30 - One of the best selections of quilts! Over 150 have been received so far.  Viewing opens Friday 5-7 and Sat. morning. A lunch will be served Sat. starting at 11a.m.   (See flyer on bulletin board)   Sponsored by the Camp Okoboji Auxiliary.


Parish Messenger Articles for July/August Edition is due to Linda Kerkove by June 25th.


Kids of the Kingdom Preschool is once again having a ‘Cobbler and Ice Cream Social’ at the Burt Summer Celebration, July 8.  Rather than have the congregation bake for us we are asking for monetary donations for ingredients, so we can do the baking for you!  This fund raiser is another important way we can keep our St. John’s preschool available to the students.  Any amount is appreciated and you can give it to any board member.  Thank you in advance.  Kids of the Kingdom Board and Staff


A Special Thank You! - We wish to thank all of our St. John’s family for the many prayers and kindnesses shown throughout the many challenges our family has and continues to endure. Many prayers have been offered by strangers and people of numerous faiths. All held dearly and with much appreciation!  Prayer is the best medicine and the most one could ask for. Many many thank yous to Pastor Russ for his many visits, devotions, prayers and communion! He does a wonderful JOB and we are very blessed to be served by him during this vacancy. God’s Blessing!   Karen and Lyle


Building Healthy Families - In addition to many other good reasons to pray, we know that praying with your spouse helps your marriage by promoting unity and increasing intimacy. It also correctly affirms mutual humility before God as leader in your relationship and home. If you haven’t done so recently, gently take your partner’s hand at the dinner table and offer a time of prayer. Enjoy the blessings that follow.    Lutheran Family Service


This Week at St. John’s  – (June 18, 2017-June 25, 2017)

Today              8:00   am       Service  (Holy Communion)

Saturday         12:30 pm       Camp Okoboji Quilt Auction                                                                                       

Sunday           8:00   am       Service 

                        9:00   am       Reception for Rev. Russ Reimers

                        4:00   pm       Ordination/Installation of Pastor Elect Thomas Cowell

                        5:00   pm       Reception Luncheon for Pastor Elect Cowell


Greeters Next Week:          Don and Pam Madsen

Acolyte This Week:           Ushers

Head Usher:                       Roger Lavrenz 

Ushers for June:              * Tony Hatten, Steve Madsen & Derek Schutjer

Elder for June:                   Boyd Shipler


Bible Readings for the week in conjunction with the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation next year:

      Sunday, Day 232:           Psalm 116-118; 1 Corinthians 2

      Monday, Day 233:         Psalm 119:1-48; 1 Corinthians 3                      

      Tuesday, Day 234:         Psalm 119:49-104    1 Corinthians 4                

      Wednesday, Day 235: Psalm 119:105-176; 1 Corinthians 5                   

      Thursday, Day 236:        Psalm 120-123; 1 Corinthians 6                       

      Friday, Day 237:             Psalm 124-127; 1 Corinthians 7:1-24               

      Saturday, Day 238:        Psalm 128-131; 1 Corinthians 7:25-40             


Note: Pastor Russ Reimers cell number is 507-236-6659.  If you need Pastoral Care, please contact an Elder, the office (924-3344) or Rev. Reimers.