Wednesday, October 19, 2016


October 23, 2016


Share the Blessing Letters are in your bulletin boxes.  Don’t forget to pick yours up.


Ministry Partnership Proposal with Trinity for the calling of a new Pastor was voted on at last Sunday with a unanimous vote of Yes.  We will now proceed with working with Trinity to get the paperwork together to call a pastor from one of the two Seminaries.


Special Thanks - The Kids of the Kingdom Preschool Staff and Board wish to send a heartfelt thank you to all for attending our fundraiser and donating so generously.  A special thanks to those who furnished rolls and bars. Your support through the years has been greatly appreciated.  Also a Big thank you to Allison for getting us the $250 from Thrivent Action Group to help with the expenses.


Kids of the Kingdom Preschool will be hosting a Bake Sale Fundraiser at the Lion’s Club Omelet Breakfast on the 23rd of October.  Donations of food would be greatly appreciated.  Please, bring your food items to the Burt Complex by 9:00 a.m. This has always been a great fundraiser for the preschool.  Thanks for your support!  Jessie Parsons, Teacher


A Special Thank You for the memorial gift that was given on behalf of Ruby Jentz and her family to St. John’s. Ruby’s church family was very important to her.  Please use as you see fit!  Sincerely, Joel (Genise), Colleen (Doug) and Lori (Ron)


Did You Know - 30,000. That’s how many babies are now available right now to join families through adoption if only they could be matched with adopting parents. These tiny humans exist today in the form of frozen embryos who are ready to be donated by their biological parents to couples seeking to adopt. Realizing that life begins at the moment of conception and all life is precious in the sight of God, LFS offers embryo adoption as a life-giving action of love in this age of modern technology. LFS partners with Snowflake Embryo Adoption to place babies as embryos with Iowa couples who meet our adoption requirements and successfully complete a home study. Call LFS and visit to learn more and share this information today with a couple you know who might be interested in adoption!  Lutheran Family Services


Burt Trick or Treat Night will be Monday night, October 31st from 5-7 p.m.  Activities at the Burt Library will be held all day that day.  Come check out what’s going on.


Burt Lion’s Club Omelet Breakfast will be held on Sunday October 23rd 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Burt Activity Complex. 


Autumn FestBurt Summer Celebration Committee will be hosting an Autumn Celebration on Saturday, October 29th from 4-6 p.m. Join us for vegetable beef stew made over an open fire and be sure to buy your $5.00 ticket for Chicken Chip Bingo.  There will also be hayrides around town and Pumpkin painting.  Help us keep our Summer Celebration a free day!  This will be held at the Burt Community Center.


Volunteers - Camp Okoboji is looking for volunteers to help the Laborers For Christ in building and erecting the walls of the DISCOVER Bldg. We will be needing this help starting Monday Oct 17, 2016 @ 8 a.m.. Lunch and break snacks will be provided. Please call the Camp Office 712-337-3325 or email to let us know what day or days you will be coming.  Thank you in advance.


Wildflowers of the Prairieprogram at the Burt Library beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, October 24. Danuta Hutchins will teach about our native prairie wildflowers, where they grow, their blooming times and medicinal food uses they have served during the times of early pioneers.


This Week at St. John’s  – ( October 23, 2016-October 30, 2016)

Today              8:00   am       Service              

                        9:00   am       Sunday School 

                        9:00   am       Preschool Bake-Sale Fundraiser at Lions Omelet Breakfast  

Tuesday          9:00   am       Preschool          

Wednesday    9:00   am       Preschool

                        4:15   pm       Snack for Religion School

                        4:30   pm       Religion School

Thursday         9:00   am       Preschool

Next Sunday   8:00   am       Reformation Service 

                        9:00   am       Sunday School/ Confirmation Class


Greeters Next Week:         Kelly and Jesse Fitzgerald

Acolyte This Week:           Ushers

Head Usher:                      Roger Lavrenz 

Ushers for October:        * Randy Reimers, Terry Briggs and Chris Heyes

Elder for October:             Jeff Schutjer


Note: Pastor Russ Reimers cell number is 507-236-6659.  If you need Pastoral Care, please contact an Elder, the office (924-3344) or Rev. Reimers.




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