August 28, 2016
“Fact Finding” Council Meeting will be held on Thursday, September 1st at 6:30 p.m. If you have been elected to any Council position you are ask to be at this meeting. We will be discussing the vacancy.
Teachers – The Sunday School and Religion School is in need of teachers for the 2016-2017 school year. If you are willing to help out, please contact Karla Schutter, Board of Education Member or Rev. Reimers. Volunteer help is needed more than ever during the vacancy. Please consider helping!
Religion School Parents/Students Meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 31st at 7:00 p.m. All students/parents are asked to attend. During the vacancy information needs to be shared and discussed. Rev. Reimers will attend and those from the Board of Education and Elders who can should also attend.
DISCOVER CAMPaign OKOBOJI We are still asking for donations to build the new Crafts Building a reality. This will be the last Sunday to donate to this fund through St. John’s. You may send your contributions to Camp after today. Envelopes and more information are on the table in the back of the church. Place your contribution in the offering plate today.
Building Healthy Families: Great families, like great marriages, don’t just happen. They take work, sacrifice, commitment and lots of prayer. If your family isn’t as strong and happy as you would want, consider gathering everyone together and asking this question: What do we want our family to be? Gather everyone’s answers which might include things like, “We are a family that loves to spend time together” or “We are a family that doesn’t yell” or “Our family never leaves anyone behind”. Pick the top 10 you all agree on and post them on the refrigerator for all to read regularly. See if you don’t start growing into your vision! Lutheran Family Services
Camp News – “People’s Choice BBQ Cook-Off” will be held at Camp Okoboji in conjunction with the Ground Breaking Ceremony for the new Discover Activity Center (Stage1). Come join us for a fun day of Family Activities, music and games on Saturday, September 3 from 11 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Vote for your favorite BBQ.
The Burt Fire Dept. will host a Pork Lion Lunch from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Burt Fire Station on Sunday, September 11th. The proceeds will go toward “Bunker Gear”.
Save the Date - The Burt Presbyterian Church will host a concert of a husband and wife team of Blake and Jenna Bolerjack. They will be singing a modern gospel style, and mix of classic and new gospel music with gentle testimonies of love. The Concert will be held on Sunday September 11th at 6:30 p.m.
This Week at St. John’s – (August 28, 2016 – September 4, 2016)
Greeters Next Week: Mary Gifford and Ken McFarland
Acolyte This Week: Ushers
Head Usher: Roger Lavrenz
Ushers for July: * Clark Christensen, Harold Lavrenz & Bob Simmons
Elder for August: Jerry Koestler
Note: Pastor Russ Reimers cell number is 507-236-6659. If you need Pastoral Care, please contact an Elder, the office (924-3344) or Rev. Reimers.
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