September 18, 2016
LWML Fall Rally is going to be held on Saturday, September 24th with Registration beginning at 10 a.m. Katie Schuermann will be our speaker . This will be held at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Lotts Creek. We would invite the ladies of each of the congregations to come. Information about the speaker/author is on the flyer near the east entrance door. Several of the books she has written are also in our church library.
Get Well Cards can reach Ruby Jentz at her son’s Joel Jentz, 1451 4th Ave. SW LeMars, Iowa 51031
Building Healthy Families: Suicide is the second leading cause of death for Iowa youth ages 15 to 34. In at least 90 percent of cases, a mood disorder, mental illness or substance abuse are significant contributing factors. Young people don’t have the life experience to know that periods of depression or relationship problems don’t last forever, leading to an overwhelming sense of hopelessness. Adolescents are also prone to acting impulsively. In combination, these things create the perfect storm for a young person in trouble, increasing the risk that they would attempt suicide. If you are concerned about a teenager in your life, contact an LFS counselor for information about how to help, or to begin counseling to change their path. Lutheran Family Services
Camp Okoboji is planning a Bus Trip to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter from October 3-7th. We will depart from Camp Okoboji at 7 am. on October 3. We will spend 2 days at Petersburg, Kentucky at the Ark Encounter. This is a full size replica of Noah’s Ark. The museum will go beyond telling the compelling story of the creation of life on this planet to proclaiming the bible as a supreme authority in all matters it addresses.
It is Full-size Noah’s Ark built according to the dimensions given in the Bible, spanning 510 feet long, 85 feet wide and 51 feet high. For more information Call Camp Okoboji 712-337-3325 or e-mail
Open House Bridal Shower honoring Lacey Geitzenauer and Nick Haynes on October 1, 2016 at the Lone Rock Presbyterian Church starting at 9:00 a.m. There will be a short program. Everyone welcome!
This Week at St. John’s – ( September 18, 2016-September 25, 2016)
Greeters Next Week: Tony and Stefanie Hatten
Acolyte This Week: Ushers
Head Usher: Roger Lavrenz
Ushers for September: * Mike Marlow, Lyle Karels and Terry Tieman
Elder for September: Boyd Shipler
Note: Pastor Russ Reimers cell number is 507-236-6659. If you need Pastoral Care, please contact an Elder, the office (924-3344) or Rev. Reimers.
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