Thursday, September 29, 2016


October 2, 2016


Flowers on the Altar this morning were given by Lorraine Drager in memory of Leonard, Martha, Irene and Bucky Drager.


Special Meeting - Following the service on Sunday October 9th to present, discuss,  and answer questions about the Ministry Partnership Agreement with Trinity. A Vote on this will be taken at our regular Voter’s Meeting on the 16th of October.


Kids of the Preschool will be having their Soup Luncheon Fund Raiser will be held on Sunday, October 16th, 11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.  Free will donation. Once again serving chili and chicken noodle soup and a new additional soup!  Please come and support your preschool and get warmed by our wonderful soup. Bring your containers for carry outs if you aren’t able to come back after church.  See you there!  Preschool Board & Staff


Soup Luncheon Kids of the Kingdom Preschool is looking for donations for tea rolls for their Soup Luncheon on October 16th. There is a sign-up sheet on the back table if you would be willing to help out. Once again, we thank you for your generous support of your preschool.


Quarterly Council Meeting will be held on Sunday, October 9th following the Congregational Meeting

The Voter’s Meeting will be held on Sunday, October 16th following the service.


Building Healthy Families – October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Pay attention to signs of domestic violence among your friends, be they young, old or middle age. Signs include bruises, isolation, and having to ask permission to do things or go places. Also know that women are at greatest risk of being killed by their violent partner when they file for divorce, obtain a protection order or take other steps to end the relationship. If you know someone in a dangerous relationship please let them know you care, help them make an appointment with an LFS counselor and give them the number of the Iowa Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-942-0333).     Lutheran Family Services


Burt Library will have a Presentation from the Blank Park Zoo of Des Moines on Iowa’s Wildest Adventure.  Come join us at 6:30 p.m. There will be Live Animals.  Also remember on Algona Schools Early Out Dismissal date (Oct. 12th and 26th ) will have special activities at the Burt Library. 


Stewardship Corner - Whether God gives us much or little, we, as God’s stewards, have the same responsibilities: to receive gratefully, to manage faithfully, to share generously.  Big or little, large or small, it doesn’t make much difference.  God doesn’t want us to get hung on the size of what we have but rather on the faithfulness of what we do with what we have.  God wants us to be faithful with whatever He entrusts to us.  We will all have to give an account to God regardless of size (Romans 14:12).


This Week at St. John’s  – ( October 2, 2016-October 9, 2016)

Today              8:00   am       LWML Service  (Holy Communion)

                        9:00   am       Sunday School

Tuesday          9:00   am       Preschool

Wednesday    9:00   am       Preschool

                        4:15   pm       Snack for Religion School

                        4:30   pm       Religion School

Thursday         9:00   am       Preschool

Next Sunday   8:00   am       Service 

                        9:00   am       Sunday School

                        9:00   am       Confirmation Class

                        9:00   am       Special Presentation – President Schutjer & Pastor Reimers

                        9:30   am       Council Meeting


Greeters Next Week:         Randy and Pam Reimers

Acolyte This Week:           Ushers

Head Usher:                      Roger Lavrenz 

Ushers for October:        * Randy Reimers, Terry Briggs and Chris Heyes

Elder for October:             Jeff Schutjer


Note: Pastor Russ Reimers cell number is 507-236-6659.  If you need Pastoral Care, please contact an Elder, the office (924-3344) or Rev. Reimers.







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