Thursday, August 11, 2016


August 14, 2016

Parish Messenger Articles for September/October Edition is due to Linda Kerkove on August 21st.
Kids of the Kingdom Open House will be held on August 24th from 6:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m.  Children of the ages of 3-4 years of age are eligible to attend preschool.  We still have room.  Contact: Jessie Parsons at 515-320-0501 or the church office 515-924-3344 to pick up registration forms.
Teachers – The Sunday School are needed for the 2016-2017 school year.  If you are interested to help out, please contact Karla Schutter or Board of Education.
DISCOVER CAMPaign OKOBOJI  is a fundraiser to help maintain quality facilities and programs at Camp Okoboji. We are in the middle of stage 1 Campaign to update the Crafts building with a state of the art activity center that will provide experimental and interactive opportunities for campers and guest.  Stage 2  of the building will provide well-equipped and comfortable housing for summer camp staff as well a retreat for medium sized groups.  We are still asking for donations to make this a reality.  St. John’s are Envelopes and more information are on the table in the back of the church.  Use a marked envelope and place your contribution in the offering plate.
Did You Know: 1 out of every 8 couples in Iowa have trouble getting pregnant when they are ready to start family building. Regardless of the reason for their infertility, couples who are unable to conceive experience a wide range of challenging emotions which effect their marriage, and their individual mental, emotional and spiritual health. LFS counselors help couples navigate through the many challenges that infertility brings. They are also available when needed to help couples explore the possibility of building their family through adoption. Remind a couple you know who is struggling with infertility of this resource. Your support of LFS ministry makes this possible - thank you!    Lutheran Family Services

Lone Rock Day will be held on Saturday, August 27th with many activities all day long. Lawn games, garage sales, bingo and a Dinner from 5-7 p.m. , a dance in the Park with Galaxy Bank performing, fireworks with help from But/Bancroft Fire Dept. and an Ecumenical Service at Blakjer with Walt Reemtsma speaking on Sunday.  Come have fun in Lone Rock!

Happening at Camp – A great weekend get-away at the 2016 Adult Retreat on August 26-28th.  Retreat featuring Reverend Kurt Klaus as the Bible Study Leader and Sunday Morning Worship.  Kathy Troccoli is the special entertainment on Saturday, August 27th at 7:00 p.m.  Come for all or just a night.   The Kathy Troccoli Concert tickets are $35 per person in advance, $50 at the door.  Call Camp Office 1-866-449-3326.  Flyer on ramp bulletin board with more information.

This Week at St. John’s  – (August 14, 2016 – August 21, 2016)
Today              8:00   am       Service 
Next Sunday   8:00   am       Service  (Holy Communion)
Greeters Next Week:         Craig and Deb Steven
Acolyte This Week:           Ushers
Head Usher:                      Roger Lavrenz 
Ushers for July:               * Clark Christensen, Harold Lavrenz & Bob Simmons
Elder for August:              Jerry Koestler

Note: Pastor Russ Reimers cell number is 507-236-6659.  If you need Pastoral Care, please contact an Elder, the office (924-3344) or Rev. Reimers.

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