Thursday, July 07, 2016


July 10, 2016

Pastoral Care If you are in need of Pastoral Care during the time Rev. Reimers is on vacation, please call an Elder: Boyd Shipler, Jerry Koestler, Jeff Schutjer or Wendell Christensen, the church office at 515-924-3344 or  Rev. Steve Struecker who will be covering for Pastor Reimers and his number is 515-320-2014.

Quarterly Council Meeting will be held today following the service. Minutes of the last Council meeting and Voter’s Meeting are in the rack in back of the church. All council members are encouraged to attend.  The Voter’s Meeting will be on Sunday, July 17th after the 8 a.m. service.

Kids of the Kingdom Preschool is once again sponsoring the Cobbler and Ice Cream Social at the Burt Summer Celebration, July 9.  We will not be asking you to bake anything, but would appreciate any monetary donations to off-set our  expenses for supplies.  We are looking forward to another terrific year of preschool and our fundraisers greatly help with our expenses.  Donations can be given to Jessie Parsons, Linda Kerkove, Vickie Madsen, Allison Christensen or Nicole Marlow.  We thank you in advance of your continued support of the preschool and hope to see you at the Summer Celebration.

Deepest Thanksgiving – This is my last post on Caring Bridge. This journey started in January 2015 with a routine physical. I have gone through 9 months of chemotherapy and stem cell transplant for Multiple Myeloma. About a month ago my tests showed that there was less than 1 % of any cancer.  I would like to express to all of you my deepest thanksgiving for all your prayers. This has been a long and interesting journey.  My Lord and Savior was my constant companion giving me many promises that I have stood on and will continue to stand on in the months and years ahead.  Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me. Prayer is vital and powerful and your faithfulness has blessed us in many ways. May you experience His presence in every situation you face and may His will guide you into your eternal life with Him. Jesus is Lord!

Rev. Howard Batt Jr.

Your Thrivent Dollars at Work. - Thank you to the Thrivent members who designate their choice dollars to our church.  We have used some of those dollars to tune both pianos and have the organs looked at.  We appreciate your support of this project.  If you have any questions about designating your choice dollars, or want help with an Thrivent action team, or know of a need that could use help with a Thrivent action team, please contact one of our church Thrivent coordinators.   Debra Steven, Darrel Smidt, Doris Blocker, Vern Koestler and Clark or Allison Christiansen

Installation/Ordination of Candidate John Koopman will be held at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Emmetsburg and Peace Lutheran West Bend on Sunday, July 31 at 4 p.m.  A reception will follow.

New Pastor - Rev. Eric Hauen was installed at Trinity Lutheran Church, Algona last Sunday.

Burt Bubble Run – You can pre-register for the Bubble Run that will be held on Saturday, July 30th now through July 9th for $25. Registration  after July 9th will be $30 with no guarantee of t-shirt that day.  Run will begin at 5 p.m. with registration that day at 4 p.m.  Music provided by Brian Carlson.


Building Healthy Families - Kids watching a lot of movies or spending time playing video games this summer? What messages are they learning through these mediums? Parents and grandparents can be informed through websites that review movies and games from a Christian perspective and how their messages impact children at different stages of cognitive development. Two such sites are and The more you know, the better prepared you will be to guide the little ones entrusted to your care!  Lutheran Family Services

Project Hope - The Blue Project Hope bucket is back again this year for two weeks.  Please donate personal care items to be used by those in need within our county.  Cash/checks can be left in the envelope, left at the church office, or given to Debra Steven.  The items will be picked up to be taken to the Kossuth County Economic Office on Monday July 11th.  Your support of this project is greatly appreciated.  - Debra Steven, KCEDC board member.

Benefit  for Tony Trunkhill - There will be a fundraiser for Tony Trunkhill, (cancer victim) on Sunday July 24th at the Burt Complex from 4-7 pm.  If anyone would like to donate items for the auction or make a financial donation for the fundraiser, please contact Debra Steven - 515-320-5010.  A flier is posted by the glass doors with more details.  Your support of Tony and his family is appreciated as he goes through this fight.   Tony is the son of Lana (Cunningham) Trunkhill and the late Richard Trunkhill former St. John’s members.

Goodwill Donation Drive – The Goodwill truck will be parked at the Burt Community Center from Tuesday, July 12th through Tues. July 19th.   Trailer delivery and pickup times may vary on above dates. Flier on the ramp bulletin board with more information on what they accept.


Titonka Care Center Helpmate’s Annual  Ice Cream Social will be held on July 23rd from 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. at the new Titonka Community Center.  Serving: Beefburgers & Chips, Ice Cream & Pie, Coffee and Cold drinks.  Free will Donation.


This Week at St. John’s  – (July 10, 2016- July 17, 2016)

Today              8:00   am       Service 

                        9:00   am       Council Meeting

Tuesday          6:00   pm       Preschool Board

Next Sunday   8:00   am       Service 

                        9:00   am       Voter’s Meeting


Greeters Next Week:         David and Lisa Haase

Acolyte This Week:           Ushers

Head Usher:                      Roger Lavrenz 

Ushers for July:               * Larry Behnkendorf, Thomas Schutter and Larry Manus

Elder for June:                  Jeff Schutjer



Pastor Russ Reimers cell number is 507-236-6659.  If you need Pastoral Care, please contact an Elder, the office (924-3344) or Rev. Reimers.






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