Thursday, May 30, 2019



June 2, 2019

Seventh Sunday of Easter

Collect of the Day O King of glory, Lord of hosts, uplifted in triumph far above all heavens, leave us not without consolation but send us the Spirit of truth whom You promised from the Father; for You live and reign with Him and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.


Sunday Morning Bible Study – This summer our Sunday morning Bible study will be studying our favorite stories of the Pentateuch (Genesis-Deuteronomy). Our first week of summer Adult Bible Study next week will be an introduction of the Pentateuch.  All ages welcome!


A Church Roof Fund has been set up for anyone wishing to donate.  Just designate “church roof fund” on your offering envelope.  A down payment of $25,000 has been sent to Jaeger Associates so we are currently on their list.   We helped them hit a milestone of 250 church roofs!!!  That is incredible!!  Work will begin later this year. 


Farewell for Pastor Hauan at Trinity – A  Divine Service will be held on Sunday, June 9th at 10:00 a.m. for Pastor Eric Hauan and family at Trinity.  A catered meal will follow the service. If you plan to attend the meal, please call the church office (515-295-3518) or sign-up in the narthex at Trinity.


Daily Prayer Cards Available - Feel free to take a daily prayer card on the back table for your personal or family devotions.  These cards include prayer suggestions for each day of the week as well as short prayer services for morning, noon, evening, and night.  These prayer cards are a great tool for forming a habit of prayer in your own life, and for starting a daily prayer routine with your family. 


VBS at St. John’s – St. John’s VBS, “The Salvation Story,” will be the Sundays of June 30, July 7, and July 14 from 3:00-6:00 p.m. There is a volunteer sign-up sheet on the back table. The Board of Ed. and Pastor can answer any questions and let you know ways you can help.


VBS Fliers Available - You can help us spread the word about VBS by hanging up fliers in the surrounding area.  Please sign your name and the location you are hanging the flier so we know where they are being placed.  The current flier will hang until June 30, and then we will hang a new flier for July 7 and July 14. 


Teacher and Students Needed – Kids of the Kingdom Preschool is accepting applications for a preschool teacher for the 2019-2020 school year.  Please send or email application letter and resume to: St John’s Lutheran Church, PO Box 98, Burt, Iowa 50522 or  Kids of the Kingdom is also accepting student registrations for the 2019-2020 school year.  Please call the St. John's Lutheran church office at 515-924-3344 for information or email,


The Blessings of Weekly Communion – There are still plenty of handouts on the side table in back of the sanctuary from our “Blessings of Weekly Communion” Bible study.  As we keep learning about and considering the blessings of weekly Communion I encourage you to continue to bring me your questions and comments.


Sign Up For Trinity News - If you're interested in keeping up with the goings-on at Trinity Algona, sign up at this link to have their announcements emailed to you weekly:  This email, which usually gets sent every Monday, also includes a video of the Sunday sermon at Trinity so you can get a double dose of gospel for the week! 

- You can also get St. John's announcements emailed to you by sending a blank email to: 
  These are normally sent out every Thursday. 


Lessons on the Liturgy – Come, Lord Jesus

Many of us pray what is known as the common table prayer at mealtime: “Come Lord Jesus, be our guest, and let these gifts to us be blessed.”  Those first three words: “Come Lord Jesus,” are a reference to the final words of the Revelation to St. John. When we pray “Come Lord Jesus” at supper we are asking Jesus to come take us from our table to the eternal marriage feast of the Lamb in His kingdom as He revealed it to St. John.  We pray the same thing when we occasionally use these words in the Communion liturgy on page 162 of our hymnal. Yet even here on earth as we pray “Come Lord Jesus,” we know that these gifts to us, both the gifts on our dinner tables and the gifts of the Lord’s Table, are blessed by God for our benefit.


Concert - We would like to invite you for a great family night on Wednesday, June 26th at 6:30 p.m. at Burt Presbyterian Church.  There will be a picnic starting at 5:30 P.M. until the time of the concert.  The Bolerjack concert will bless you.  A free-will love offering will be taken to help the Bolerjacks’ in their ministry.  We hope you will join us in Burt!  There will be a community picnic starting at 5:30 p.m. until concert time.


Burt Summer Celebration Parade on Saturday, July 13, 2019 is at 10:30 a.m. this year.  Float registration is 9:00 a.m. that morning on a first come first served basis. Also note that Kids of the Kingdom Preschool Board will be holding their annual Ice Cream Social during the meal at the Complex following the parade.


Relay for Life Luminaries are being sold by the community Care Committee until June 14. Each luminary is a suggested $10 donation and can be made in memory of, or in honor of a loved one. Contact Kathy Bichel at 515-320-5864.


This Week at St. John’s – (June 2, 2019-June 9, 2019)

Today (2nd)              8:00  am       Sunday School/Adult Bible Class

                                 9:00  am       Divine Service (Holy Communion)

Wednesday (5th)      9:30  am       Trinity- Bible Study

Thursday (6th)          1:30  pm       LWML Meeting

Sunday (June 9th)    8:00  am       Adult Bible Class

                                 9:00  am       Divine Service (Holy Communion)

                              10:00  am       Service at Trinity- Pastor Hauan’s last Sunday

                              11:30  am       Reception with Catered Meal for the Hauan Family


Greeters Next Week:   Jeff and Brenda Schujter

Acolyte for Today:      Ushers

Ushers for June:          *Steve Madsen & Marvin Heidecker               

Elder for June:            Boyd Shipler