March 24, 2019
The Third Sunday in Lent
Collect of the Day – O God, whose glory it is always to have mercy, be gracious to all who have gone astray from Your ways and bring them again with penitent hearts and steadfast faith to embrace and hold fast the unchangeable truth of Your Word; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
Special Offering – We will have an offering plate in back for the next few weeks to help those affected by the floods in western Iowa. We will use this week’s offering to help with the immediate need of drinking water in the town of Glenwood, IA. Glenwood has estimated that they may not have drinkable water for the next 30 days. We’ll use the offering to ship water to Trinity Lutheran in Glenwood for distribution. The next 2 weeks’ offerings will be sent to Iowa District West’s flood relief fund which will be used for future clean-up efforts when the floods recede. You can also visit to give electronically toward the Nebraska District’s flood aid.
Lenten Service will be held Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.
Holy Week/Easter Choir - St. John's needs your voice! The choir will sing on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. We'll be practicing in the balcony after church March 24, 31, and April 7, and before the Holy Thursday service if we need to. All ages and experience levels are welcome to sing!
Weekday Lenten Prayer Services - During Lent St. John's will be having a fifteen minute spoken service along with prayers for those in need every Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 a.m. in the sanctuary, followed by coffee for those who wish to stay.
Special Lenten Bible Study - We'll be having a special Bible study following the midweek Lent services on March 27, April 3 and 10 to further explore the blessings of every-Sunday Communion. We'll begin the study in the sanctuary shortly after the service ends and go for about a half hour each night. If you can’t make it on Wednesday you can pick up a copy of each week’s study on the side table near the back of the sanctuary.
Almsgiving Projects – St. John’s has the opportunity again this year to help our Confirmation students learn the value of showing mercy to those in need. Each student has chosen an organization to which our offering from our Wednesday Lenten services will be given. Pick up a sheet on the back table for more information on the students’ almsgiving project and the organizations they have chosen.
New Confirmation Display – Be sure to check out the new Confirmation display in the church basement. We are thankful to Thrivent for providing the funds and to everyone who helped order and install the display, organize the photos, and identify and label many of the confirmands in the pictures.
Easter Flowers – If you would like to purchase an Easter lily for the church to use on Easter Sunday, there is a sign-up sheet on the table in the back of the church for you to place your order. Each lily is $13.00 and you may pay Cheryl Batt by Sunday, April 14th. Please feel free to take your lily home after the Easter morning worship service. Thank You!
Greeter and Usher Reminders - We are beginning to send out a reminder text message or automated phone call through Flocknote a few days before you are scheduled to be a greeter or usher. We will also continue to put the greeter/usher schedule in the monthly calendar and weekly announcements.
Trinity Bible Study on Facebook Live - Join Pastor Schlund at 7pm on Sunday nights during Lent on Trinity's Facebook page for a Bible study based on their Lent theme “Behold the Man”. You’ll be able to ask questions and participate in the discussion if you’d like, but you won’t need to leave home. Visit on your computer or use the Facebook App on your smartphone or tablet on Sunday nights to join the study.
Lessons on the Liturgy – The Family Hymnal
If any Lutheran has only two Christian books in their home, it should be the Bible and The Lutheran Service Book. Our hymnal has a variety of uses outside of the Sunday service. There are several forms of daily prayer, individual prayers for many situations, Psalms, a daily Scripture lectionary, Luther’s Small Catechism, and hymns divided into seasons and subject matter which are great family devotion material either sung or spoken. This Lent consider buying a hymnal for your home and exploring its uses as a daily worship and prayer tool. Ask Pastor if you need help ordering.
Silent Quilt Auction is being held at Trinity during the Lenten season. Quilts can be viewed in the office lobby. All proceeds go to Camp Okoboji’s 2019 quilt auction projects. Winners will be announced on April 10th. (Poster with more information is on the bulletin board along the ramp).
Chili Dinner Fundraiser – Good Samaritan Society of Algona will hold its 7th Annual Chili Dinner from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Trinity Life Center, Algona on Sunday, March 31st. A Free will donation will be taken with the proceeds to go towards the purchase of Nu-Steps.
Algona Cornbelt Chorus Spring Show featuring Quartet “Boomtown” will be held on Friday, March 29th at 7:00 p.m. at the Emmetsburg High School and on Saturday March 30th at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the Wilcox Performing Arts Center in Algona. Can purchase show tickets at Browns Shoe, HyVee or a Chorus Member.
Chicken and Biscuit Meal will be held on Sunday, April 7th from 10:30-1:00 p.m. at Burt Complex. Donations are being taken for the Silent Auction and a sign-up sheet is in the back for furnishing bars. All proceeds go to Burt Summer Celebration to keep this a free day!
East Fork Walleye Supper is being held on Saturday, March 30th. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. at the Burt Complex.
This Week at St. John’s – (March 24, 2019-March 31, 2019)
Acolyte Today: non-assigned
Ushers for March: *Lucas Parsons & Chris Heyes
Elder for March: Boyd Shipler
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