Thursday, April 25, 2019



April 28, 2019

Second Sunday of Easter

Collect of the Day – Almighty God, grant that we who have celebrated the Lord’s resurrection may by Your grace confess in our life and conversation that Jesus is Lord and God; through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

Quarterly Voter’s Meeting is today following the service.  Also, a Special Thanks to Lynn and Kitty Bierstedt for representing St. John’s as our delegate to the Camp Okoboji Annual Meeting yesterday!


Teacher Needed - St. John’s Lutheran Church in Burt is accepting applications for a preschool teacher for the 2019-2020 school year for Kids of the Kingdom Preschool.  Please send or email application letter and resume to: St John’s Lutheran Church, PO Box 98, Burt, Iowa 50522 or


Registration for Preschool - Kids of the Kingdom Preschool in Burt, IA is accepting registrations for the 2019-2020 school year.  Please call the St. John's Lutheran church office at 515-924-3344 for information or email,


Public Examination of the Confirmands is on Wednesday, May 1st at 7:30 p.m.  The congregation is invited to attend.  Confirmation Day is Sunday, May 5th.  Also, check out the Confirmation quilts at the back of the church.  These are a gift from the TLC Quilters (including several St. John’s sewers) to our Confirmands. 


LWML Ladies Aid Meeting will be held Thursday, May 2 at 1:30 p.m.  The devotion will be led by Caradene Parsons & hostess for the meeting is Mary Gifford.  Also, The LWML wish to Thank You for your wonderful help in our mission to IOWAY of underwear for the homeless of Iowa.


Partnership Adopt a Highway - Our Trinity/St. John’s partnership is participating in the Adopt a Highway program. The section we have adopted is six miles north of Algona on Highway 169.  Our first clean-up day is today at 2:00 p.m.  We will meet at Trinity at 2:00 p.m. to go over safety and carpool to the site from there.  Refreshments will be served afterward at St. John’s.


Flood Clean-up – IOWAY director Ellie Menz is asking for help with flood clean-up in Pacific Junction, IA.  See the note on the back table for more details.  If you’d like to help, be sure to call the number listed ahead of time to confirm that they’ll have work lined up for you to do.

Flocknote Text Sender Wanted - I'm looking for a volunteer who would like to take over sending out our daily "text on the Text" or our daily prayer chain text (or both) on Flocknote.  Creating text messages on Flocknote is very easy to do and I will walk you through the process.  Messages can be created on your computer or cell phone, and they can be pre-scheduled as far in advance as you'd like.  I'm happy to continue sending these messages, I just thought this would be a good way to serve St. John's that can always work with your schedule. - Pastor Cowell  


The Blessings of Weekly Communion – If you weren’t able to attend our Lenten Bible study on the blessings of weekly Communion I encourage you to pick up the handout on the side table in back of the sanctuary that contains all five of the Bible study topics.  As we keep learning about and considering the blessings of weekly Communion I encourage you to continue to bring me your questions and comments.


Call Days at the Seminaries – Candidates at our seminaries will soon be receiving their calls into the office of the Holy Ministry.  Call day at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne is April 30th and Concordia Seminary, St. Louis is May 1st.  Please pray for these students and the congregation whom they will be called to serve.  


Camp Okoboji Events - As summer gets closer, don't forget to check out the schedule of events at Camp Okoboji found at:  Camp Okoboji will also be hosting a volunteer day on Saturday, May 18 if you would like to help beautify the camp for the summer season.  Meals and lodging if needed are provided to volunteers at no cost.  Call the camp office at 712-337-3325 to let them know you're coming or to ask about what projects they have for you to help with.  


A Camp on Biblical Masculinity - Are you a man? Then this camp is for you.  The LCMS camp near Solon, IA is hosting an event for men of all ages 8 and up - single, married, with children or no children on June 9-12.  The camp will be focused on learning the characteristics of biblical masculinity and doing various "man stuff." There will be a 45 minute Bible study each day, and the rest of the day will consist of outdoor activity.  This would be a great father/son/grandfather outing or just an opportunity to enjoy time with other Christian men.  Pastor Cowell will be attending this event.  See the flier in back, and register at:  


Lessons on the Liturgy – The Office of the Keys

What is the Office of the Keys?  The Office of the Keys is that special authority which Christ has given to His church on earth to forgive the sins of repentant sinners, but to withhold forgiveness from the unrepentant as long as they do not repent.  Where is this written?  This is what St. John the Evangelist writes in chapter twenty: The Lord Jesus breathed on His disciples and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.  If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” (John 20:22-23) [Luther’s Small Catechism, Confession]


This Week at St. John’s – (April 28, 2019-May 5, 2019)

Today (28th )              9:00  am       Divine Service

                                10:00  am       Quarterly Voter’s Meeting                                                         

Tuesday (30th )           8:30  am       Circuit Winkel at St. John’s, Burt

Wednesday (1st )        7:00  pm       Religion School

                                 7:30   pm      Public Examination of the Confirmands

Thursday (2nd )           1:30  pm       LWML (Ladies Aid) Meting                                                                            

Sunday (5th)               9:00  am       Divine Service (Holy Communion) Confirmation

                                10:00  am       Reception for the Confirmands                                            


Greeters Next Week:     Nicolle, Elyssa & Peyton Marlow

Acolyte for Today:        Peyton Marlow

Ushers for April:            *Don Madsen and Wendell Christensen Jr.

Elder for April:               Jeff Schutjer