April 30, 2017
Thanks and Praise - The Lord has blessed St. John’s and Trinity with a new Pastor. Pastor Elect Thomas Cowell was assigned on Tuesday evening from the Fort Wayne Seminary. Let’s welcome him and his wife Hannah with cards of congratulations. There address is: Thomas and Hannah Cowell and daughter, Penelope at 5543 North Clinton St., Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825. As we continue to move forward and get more information we will pass it along to you.
Kids of the Kingdom – Another year of preschool has come and gone and with that I would like to say thank you. Thank you to the members of St. John’s for your continued support and generosity. Also, thanks to the preschool Board for all the hard work you put into our fundraising events. Thanks you to Mrs. Shipler for all the “Little” things you do daily to help keep things running smoothly. Last but not least thanks to Mrs. Haase for another FUN year of being by my side through it all ! Thank you so much Blessings! Jessie Parsons, Teacher
Thank you to everyone who purchased an Easter Lily for the church to use during the Easter season. Please feel free to take your plant home and transplant it in your yard.
Kids of the Kingdom Preschool Registration is still open for all 3, 4 and 5 year olds for the 2017-2018 school year. If you know of a child that would like to come, please pick up registration forms in the church office or call Jessie Parsons at 515-320-0501
Stewardship Corner - Money is sometimes like drugs. It can be useful, or it may be harmful to us. It has a dual nature because it is going to depend on what we do with money and also what money does to us. There are many positive uses for money such as helping our families, feeding and clothing those in need, supporting the work of the church, and extending God’s kingdom. However, we can love money, hoard it, misuse its power, and spend it foolishly on selfish indulgences. Money can become so overly important that it becomes an idol. Jesus tells us that we “cannot serve God and money” (Matthew 6:24). The Apostle John tells us, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1 John 2:15). With God’s help, we will be able to keep money in its proper perspective.
This Week at St. John’s – (April 30, 2017-May 7, 2017)
Acolyte This Week: Ushers
Head Usher: Roger Lavrenz
Ushers for April: * Don Madsen, Ken McFarland and Wendell Christensen Jr.
Elder for April: Jeff Schutjer
Bible Readings for the week in conjunction with the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation next year:
Sunday, Day 183: Job 23-25; Acts 10:24-48
Monday, Day 184: Job 26-28; Acts 11
Tuesday, Day 185: Job 29-30; Acts 12
Wednesday, Day 186: Job 31-32; Acts 13:1-23
Thursday, Day 187: Job 33-34; Acts 13:24-52
Friday, Day 188: Job 35-37; Acts 14
Saturday, Day 189: Job 38-39; Acts 15:22-41
Note: Pastor Russ Reimers cell number is 507-236-6659. If you need Pastoral Care, please contact an Elder, the office (924-3344) or Rev. Reimers.
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