Thursday, June 27, 2019



June 30, 2019

Third Sunday after Pentecost

Collect of the Day Lord of all power and might, author and giver of all good things, graft into our hearts the love of Your name and nourish us with all goodness that we may love and serve our neighbor; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.


Sunday Morning Bible Study – This summer our Sunday morning Bible study (8 a.m.) will be studying our favorite stories of the Pentateuch (Genesis-Deuteronomy). The title of next week’s study from Exodus 1-6 is: “Moses: The Early Days.”  All ages welcome!


Summer midweek Divine Services are back! - Would you like to receive God's Word and Sacrament during the week? Whether you couldn't make it Sunday, or you've got a weekend camping trip planned, or you just enjoy receiving God's gifts: we've got what you need!  St. John's is offering a summer Wednesday spoken Divine Service at 7:00 p.m. on these Wednesdays: July 10, July 17, Aug. 7, and Aug. 21.  Plan on the service lasting around a half hour. 


VBS at St. John’s – St. John’s VBS, “The Salvation Story,” will begin this afternoon (June 30th) and continue on July 7, and July 14 from 3:00-6:00 p.m.  Here are some ways you can help:

·         Invite children to attend.

·         Post the 2nd set of fliers around the area.  Sign up in back to let us know where you are hanging them.

·         Sign up to volunteer at VBS on the back table.


Church Roof Fund – Our church roof has been completed and it looks beautiful!  We thank God for the work of Jaeger Associates and ask God to bless our updated house of worship for many years to come.  We are also thankful that we didn’t have to borrow any money to pay for this project.  However, we did pull about $8,000 out of our savings account in addition to using money from our Milts Farm Endowment.  We encourage you to consider designating a gift toward the church roof fund in addition to your weekly giving in order to replenish our savings account for the future ministry of St. John’s. Just designate “church roof fund” on your offering envelope.  


Daily Prayer Cards Available - Feel free to take a daily prayer card on the back table for your personal or family devotions.  These cards include prayer suggestions for each day of the week as well as short prayer services for morning, noon, evening, and night.  These prayer cards are a great tool for forming a habit of prayer in your own life, and for starting a daily prayer routine with your family. 


Stained Glass Window Books of Trinity, Algona are available on the back table for you to purchase for $5 each.  These books include all of the stained glass windows at Trinity along with descriptions and the Scriptural references associated with each window.  You may leave your money in the church office.


The Blessings of Weekly Communion – There are still plenty of handouts on the side table in back of the sanctuary from our “Blessings of Weekly Communion” Bible study.  As we keep learning about and considering the blessings of weekly Communion I encourage you to continue to bring me your questions and comments.


Jesus Saves the World at VBS 2019!   Lift off for an intergalactic adventure and learn about God’s plan of salvation from creation to the cross! Just as the earth revolves around the sun, our faith revolves around God’s Word. Keep Jesus and His Gospel at the center of your children’s VBS experience with Miraculous Mission. Registration is open for (potty trained) 3-yr-olds – grade 4 (completed) who will attend VBS from July 21-25, 5:30-8 pm (meal served 5-5:30). Closing Program will be July 25 at 8 pm. Volunteers (grade 5 – adult) are also needed. There are many ways to be involved to suit your schedule and interests. Participants and Volunteers may register online at  Contact Tami Hankins at or 341-2309 with questions.


Sign Up For Trinity News - If you're interested in keeping up with the goings-on at Trinity Algona, sign up at this link to have their announcements emailed to you weekly:  This email, which usually gets sent every Monday, also includes a video of the Sunday sermon at Trinity so you can get a double dose of gospel for the week! 

- You can also get St. John's announcements emailed to you by sending a blank email to: 
  These are normally sent out every Thursday. 


Project Hope is a project to help provide children, teens and adults removed from their homes with personal care items. A blue bucket is available in the back for you leave items through July 6. Items needed are listed on sheet by the box. Also, cash and gift card donations can be left in church office.


This Week in the Church Year - 

   Feast Days: None this week.

   Commemorations: July 6th - Isaiah

Biographies of the saints we commemorate throughout the year as well as prayers and readings for special feast days in the Church Year are available on the back table.  This information is also available in the Treasury of Daily Prayer, the PrayNow iPhone app by CPH, or the LCMS Eurasia Facebook page.  Talk with Pastor Cowell if you have any questions about these resources.  


Burt Summer Celebration Community Coffee - St. John's and Burt Presbyterian will be co-hosting the Burt Summer Celebration community coffee at the Activity Complex on July 13th at 8:00 a.m.  We're looking for a few people from St. John's to help at the event.  If you are interested in helping, please contact the church office or Pastor Cowell.  


Burt Summer Celebration is being held on Saturday, July 13th with many activities happening on that day. Parade will begin this year at 10: 30 a.m.  The Steak/Hot Dog Meal will be served at noon with the Kids of the Kingdom Ice Cream Social at 1:00 p.m.  Many activities are planned for the afternoon and evening. We will conclude with the fireworks at 10:00 p.m. and a street dance will follow.  Come join us for the day!


This Week at St. John’s – (June 30, 2019-July 7, 2019)

Today (30th)               8:00  am       Adult Bible Class

                                 9:00  am       Divine Service (Holy Communion)                                                                 

                              3-6:00  pm       Vacation Bible School Begins

Wednesday (3rd )       9:30  am       Trinity- Bible Study

Thursday                                        4th of July – Office closed

Sunday (July 7th)        8:00  am       Adult Bible Class

                                 9:00  am       Divine Service    (Holy Communion)

                              3-6:00  pm       Vacation Bible School


Ushers for June:    *Steve Madsen & Marvin Heidecker         Elder for June:   Boyd Shipler