April 9, 2017
Quarterly Council Meeting will be held immediately following the service today. The Voter’s Meeting will be held on April 23rd.
LYF Group is ask to meet at the church on Saturday morning April 15th at 8:30 a.m. to set up for the Easter Breakfast.
Lenten Services: Maundy Thursday Service with Communion on April 13th with Pastor Hauan of Trinity at 6:30 p.m. and Good Friday Service will be April 14, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. with Pastor Schlund of Trinity. Easter Resurrection Service with Communion will be at 8:00 a.m. with Holy Communion being celebrated. Rolls and Coffee/juice will be served following the service by the LYF Group. There will be one service on Easter and No Sunday School.
LWML Zone Rally will be held on Thursday, April 20th at Zion Lutheran Church in LuVerne at 4:30 p.m. Contact Janice Schealler (924-3424) if you have any questions.
Easter Lily – If you would like to purchase a Easter Lily for the church to use on Easter morning, please sign up on the sheet located on the table at the back of the church. The cost is $13 per plant and you may pay Cheryl Batt by today. Feel free to take your plant home after Easter service.
Call Day – Watch it online! Join us at St. Louis to take part in the Call Day activities on Wednesday, April 26th at 7 p.m. CDT. Also join us at Ft Wayne for callday at on Tuesday, April 25th.
Kids of the Kingdom Preschool Registration is now open for all 3, 4 and 5 year olds for the 2017-2018 school year. If you know of a child that would like to come, please pick up registration forms in the church office or call Jessie Parsons at 515-320-0501
Bridal Shower – April 22nd from 8 a.m. until noon will be the “Pampered Chef” Bridal Shower for Natalie Kelly, bride-to-be of Jacob Christensen. Location is the Water Edge Nature Center (Smith Lake). You can choose a Pampered Chef gift for Natalie and Jacob. If you are unable to attend or have any questions, the Pampered Chef contact person is Lori Shahidi at 515-291-8674.
Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders Support Group will be having speaker Greg Wood from the Alzheimer’s Association on April 13th from 3-4 p.m. Greg will be presenting a program on “Healthy Habits for Your Brian and Body”. The presentation will be held in the dining room at Van Buren Terrace in Algona. Any questions, please call Heather 295-24-14 or Sandy 395-3300.
Easter in Lone Rock will be held on Saturday, April 15th. Come for Egg Coloring and Games at 9:30 a.m. at the Fire Station, an Egg Hunt at 10 a.m. in the park and at 10:30 a.m. at the Fire Station prizes will be given out. Sponsored by the Lone Rock Community Club.
This Week at St. John’s – (April 9, 2017-April 16, 2017)
Acolyte This Week: Ushers
Head Usher: Roger Lavrenz
Ushers for April: * Don Madsen, Ken McFarland and Wendell Christensen Jr.
Elder for April: Jeff Schutjer
Bible Readings for the week in conjunction with the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation next year:
Sunday, Day 162: 2 Chronicles 34-36; John 19:1-22
Monday, Day 163: Ezra 1-2; John 19:23-42
Tuesday, Day 164: Ezra 3-5; John 20
Wednesday, Day 165: Ezra 6-8; John 21
Thursday, Day 166: Ezra 9-10; Acts 1
Friday, Day 167: Nehemiah 1-3; Acts 2:1-13
Saturday, Day 168: Nehemiah 4-6; Acts 2:14-47
Note: Pastor Russ Reimers cell number is 507-236-6659. If you need Pastoral Care, please contact an Elder, the office (924-3344) or Rev. Reimers.
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