Thursday, December 29, 2016


January 1, 2017



January Calendar – Extra copies of the January 2017 calendar are on the Guest Book table.  They were placed in the Snow Sunday bulletin a couple weeks ago. 


Thank You – I would like to thank everyone for your kind words, your support, your gifts and your prayers this holiday season.  The season of Christmas is one of joy as well as many things that need to be done over and above the normal things in our lives. The church is not different. Because of your support and care, you have made life a little easier this past month. Thank you for your friendship and the fellowship that we have in Christ Jesus. May God bless each of you as you strive to serve the Lord.  Pastor Reimers and family


End of the Year ArticlesIt is time to start thinking about the end of the year articles for the Annual Report.  Please get them to me right away as I have started to work on that.  You can send them to  or   Thanks!  Rosann


Up-Dated Addresses:  If your address, phone number or a family members numbers have changed, please get those to me also.  Rosann


Thank you to the church and those who remembered me at Christmas with the special gifts.  Rosann


1st Quarter Council Meeting will be held on Sunday January 8th following the service.  Voter’s Meeting will be the following Sunday, January 15th after services.


Installation of all Officers will be held on Sunday January 8th during the service.  All officers should attend.


Bulletin Boxes are getting full, so please stop and pick up what is in it.  Your 2017 envelopes are in the boxes.


A Special Thank You to Karla Schutter for leading and organizing the wonderful Children’s Christmas Eve Program.  Also to all those who participated: Sunday School Students, High School Students; Teachers, Parents for bringing your child to practice; Marcia Hanna, organist, Thomas Schutter, Leader, Ken McFarland, Tony Hatten for Recording the Service, Christmas Committee for the Bags of Candy etc.,  those who helped with the  miniature trees, and anyone else who helped in any way to put this program on.   Board of Education


Building Healthy Families - Being a good listener is easier said than done. How often do you find yourself thinking of the next thing you want to say while someone is talking to you? Are you really listening? Take a moment to stop and listen to those people who are in your life this week. You may be surprised at how much you will learn from them and how much your relationship will improve! Lutheran Family Service




This Week at St. John’s  – (January 1, 2017-January 8, 2017)

Today              8:00   am       Service (Holy Communion)

                        9:00   am       No Sunday School                                                                                                       

Monday          9:00   am       Preschool

Tuesday          9:00   am       Preschool                                                                                                          

Wednesday    9:00   am       Preschool

                        4:15   pm       Religion School Snack

                        4:30   pm       Religion School
Sunday           8:00   am       Service   (Installation of Officers)                                            

                        9:00   am       Sunday School/Confirmation Class

                        9:00   am       Council Meeting


Acolyte This Week:             Jacob Haase

Head Usher:                        Roger Lavrenz 

Ushers for January:         *  David Haase and Mike Bierstedt

Elder for January:               Jeff Schutjer


Bible Readings for the week in conjunction with the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation next year:

      Sunday, Day 64:             Numbers 34-36; Mark 10:32-52

      Monday, Day 65:          Deuteronomy 1-2; Mark 11:1-19

      Tuesday, Day 66:          Deuteronomy 3-4; Mark 11:20-33

      Wednesday, Day 67:    Deuteronomy 5-7; Mark 12:1-27

      Thursday, Day 68:         Deuteronomy 8-10; Mark 12:28-44

      Friday, Day 69:             Deuteronomy 11-13; Mark 13:1-13

      Saturday, Day 70:         Deuteronomy 14-16; Mark 132:14-37      


Note: Pastor Russ Reimers cell number is 507-236-6659.  If you need Pastoral Care, please contact an Elder, the office (924-3344) or Rev. Reimers.




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