Thursday, December 01, 2016


December 4, 2016


LWML Christmas Coffee will be held immediately following the service today to celebrate the beginning of the Christmas season.  Stay and have a cookie and coffee.


Special Council Meeting will be held today following the service.  This will be to look over the 2017 Budget Proposal and the Nominations of 2017 Officers


Christmas Open House  Today, December 4th from 11-1 p.m. - Pastor Russ, Sue, Jewel and Alacha Reimers would like to invite you to our Christmas Open House in the church basement of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Wilbert. This open house gives us a chance to say thank you to both St. Paul’s, Our Savior’s Lutheran and St. John’s Lutheran in Burt for your love and support this past year. Come join us for food and fellowship as we begin the celebration of our blessed Saviors birth. Come hungry and join us for lunch on that day from 11-1:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 4th.


Adopted Family Information -  St. John’s has adopted a family for Christmas. The information on the family’s needs is listed on sheets on the back table for you to pick up and take with you.   Monetary donations can be given to Debra Steven or Karla Schutter or left at the church office until Sunday, December 11th. A box is in the back of the church for donated items. Please attach note for which child you are giving to, especially if giving to child # 3 or #4 which I guess are twins.


Special Voter’s Meeting to approve the Budget and Slate of Officers will be held immediately following the service next Sunday, December 11th.


Poinsettias for Christmas – If you would like to purchase a poinsettia for the church to use during the Advent and Christmas Season, please sign up on the sheet at the back of the church and pay Cheryl Batt by Sunday, December 11th.  Please, feel free to take your poinsettia home to enjoy after the Christmas Eve service. Thank You!


Schedule of Services Christmas Eve Children’s Program has been now set for 4:30 p.m.  on 24th . (Note change of time)  No Christmas Day Services (Trinity, Algona Christmas Day Service is at 9 a.m.).


Christmas in Harmony  will be held on December 11th  2 p.m. at the Algona United Methodist Church.  This concert will feature the Algona Cornbelt Chorus, Algona High School Chamber Singers, Garrigan A Cappella Choir, United Methodist Bell Choir and their Chancel Choir.  Come and enjoy and afternoon of Christmas Music.  A Free will offering will benefit the Kossuth County Food Pantry.


Hospice of the Heartland – Our annual Hospice of the Heartland “Lights of Life” will be held on December 11th at 2 p.m. at the Kossuth Regional Health Center.  Call 515-295-4430 to purchase a light.


Building Healthy Families - “She put the needs of her child above the wants of her heart”, lovingly said by an adopting parent about their son’s birth mother. The pregnancy counseling and adoption ministry of LFS has witnessed this selfless act of love on the part of thousands of birth families over the past 115 years. If you know of a friend or family member who is experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, help them connect with an LFS counselor to talk about their options. Be their link to a positive future for themselves, their child, and a couple ready and willing to walk with them on the journey of adoption. All services to birth families are provided at no cost, thanks to the support LFS receives from its owners – members of the 294 LCMS congregations and their members in Iowa. Your gift at year’s end is needed and appreciated. On behalf of the families served…thank you!  Lutheran Family Services


Your Charity's Unique Link to Amazon - Just a reminder to those who shop on line at    The Church is signed up to receive 0.5% of your purchase as an extra donation.  Remember to always use this link when promoting AmazonSmile in your email, social media, and on your website: St. John’s will get credit for your purchase.

This Week at St. John’s  – (December 4, 2016-December 11, 2016)

Today               8:00   am       2nd  Sunday in Advent Service  (Holy Communion)                      

                        9:00   am       Sunday School Christmas Program Practice

                        9:00   am       Council Meeting

                        9:00   am       LWML Christmas Party – Coffee and Goodies

                        11-1  pm       Open House Christmas Luncheon with Rev. Russ Reimers Family at St. Paul’s in Wilbert, MN  

Tuesday           9:00   am       Preschool                                                                                                           

Wednesday      9:00   am       Preschool

                        4:15   pm       Religion School Snack

                        4:30   pm       Religion School   

Thursday          9:00   am       Preschool           

Next Sunday    8:00   am       3rd Sunday in Advent Service 

                        9:00   am       Sunday School  Christmas Program Practice

                        9:00   am       Voter’s Meeting  

Greeters Next Week:           Duane and Linda Peter

Acolyte This Week:             none

Head Usher:                       Roger Lavrenz 

Ushers for November:      * Vern Koestler, Gordon Oleson and Joe Heyes

Elder for December:            Boyd Shipler


Bible Readings for the week in conjunction with the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation next year:

      Sunday, Day 36:             Exodus 37-38: Matthew 23:23-39

      Monday, Day 37:          Exodus 39-40 :Matthew 24:1-22

      Tuesday, Day 38:          Leviticus 1-3; Matthew 24:23-51

      Wednesday, Day 39:    Leviticus 4-6: Matthew 25:1-30

      Thursday, Day 40:         Leviticus 7-9: Matthew 25:31-46

      Friday, Day 41:             Leviticus 10:12; Matthew 26:1-19

      Saturday, Day 42:         Leviticus 13: Matthew 26:20-54


Note: Pastor Russ Reimers cell number is 507-236-6659.  If you need Pastoral Care, please contact an Elder, the office (924-3344) or Rev. Reimers.




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