Thursday, November 17, 2016


November 20, 2016


Flowers on the Altar and the Bouquet in the front of the church were given in celebration of 60 years of marriage of Wendell and Esther Christensen on November 23rd by their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.


Card Shower for Esther and Wendell Christensen Sr. is being held by their family in celebration of 60 years of Marriage.  Chris and Esther were married at St. John’s  on November 23rd. Cards of celebration and best wishes can reach them at 2709 220th Avenue, Wesley Iowa 50483-7028


Adopted Family Information -  St. John’s has adopted a family for Christmas. The information on the family’s needs are listed on sheets on the back table for you to pick up and take with you.   Monetary donations can be given to Debra Steven or Karla Schutter or left at the church office until Sunday, December 11th. A box is in the back of the church for donated items. Please attach note for which child you are giving to, especially if giving to child # 3 or #4 which I guess are twins.


Thankfulness - This thanksgiving we have many things to be thankful for. We have our health, family, friends, and food on the table. We have been blessed by God with a good crop in our area and with a land that is free to speak the Word of God to others. We have homes that we can live in. We are truly blessed as God’s people. Let us gather this coming Thanksgiving Eve to give God thanks for the many blessings that He has given to us. This year because of the Vacancy at St. John’s we will have our thanksgiving worship service on Wednesday, November 23 at 6:30 p.m. with Pastor Thomas Schlund of Trinity of Algona as our leader


Special Council Meeting will be held on Sunday, December 4th following the service.  This will be to look over the 2017 Budget Proposal and the Nominations of 2017 Officers.   Important for all Council to be in attendance for this.


Special Voter’s Meeting to approve the Budget and Slate of Officers will be held immediately following the service on Sunday, December 11th .


LWML Christmas Coffee will be held immediately following the service and Voter’s Meeting to celebrate the beginning of the Christmas season.  Stay and have a cookie and coffee with us!


Christmas Open House  Pastor Russ, Sue, Jewel and Alacha Reimers would like to invite you to our Christmas Open House in the church basement of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Wilbert. This open house gives us a chance to say thank you to both St. Paul’s, Our Savior’s Lutheran and St. John’s Lutheran in Burt for your love and support this past year. Come join us for food and fellowship as we begin the celebration of our blessed Saviors birth. Come hungry and join us for lunch on that day from 11-1:00 p.m.



Burt Library Christmas Open House will be held Friday, December 2 from 3-5:30 p.m. Goodies and Door Prizes.



Schedule of Services Thanksgiving Service:  Wednesday, November 23rd at 6:30 p.m. (No Communion) with  Pastor Thomas Schlund, Algona leading the service for Rev. Reimers; Christmas Eve Children’s Program has been now set for 4:30 p.m.  (Note change of time)  No Christmas Day Services (You may attend the 9 a.m. Christmas Day Service at Trinity).

Christmas in Burt – Join the fun of this great holiday kick-off! Christmas in Burt will take place Saturday, December 3, at the Burt Community Center. Festivities begin at 3 p.m. with the Burt Business Christmas Coffee and Lion Club Santa Day. Coffee and goodies with many prizes to be given away throughout the afternoon.  Burt Summer Celebration Committee will be hosting a lighted Christmas parade at 5 p.m. with Chicken Noodle and Chili Soups served at 7 p.m.

The Rock Starz Fundraiser will help pay for the entire year tuition of every Rock Starz student and the special needs school district students. It will also pay for the recital costumes for the Rock Starz students, and will be donated to the Autism Awareness Foundation. The fundraiser will be held at the Trinity Life Center on November 21st from 5:30-7:00pm.  There will be a Potato Bar, silent auction items and a performance by the Rock Starz students and Energy students.   Energy is a dance and tumbling group in Algona.

This Week at St. John’s  – (November 20, 2016-November 27, 2016)

Today               8:00   am       Service  (Holy Communion)                                                        

                        9:00   am       Sunday School/Confirmation Class

Monday           9:00   am       Preschool                                                                                               

Tuesday           9:00   am       Preschool                                                                                   

Wednesday      9:00   am       Preschool           

                        6:30  pm       Thanksgiving Service

Next Sunday    8:00   am       1st Sunday in Advent Service 

                        9:00   am       Sunday School/ Confirmation Class


Greeters Next Week:           Joe and Tina Heyes

Acolyte This Week:             none

Head Usher:                       Roger Lavrenz 

Ushers for November:      * Lynn Bierstedt, Dave Kerkove & Darrel Schmidt

Elder for November:           Jerry Koestler


Bible Readings for the week in conjunction with the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation next year:

      Sunday, Day 22:             Exodus 1-3; Matthew 15:21-39

      Monday, Day 23:          Exodus 4-6: Matthew 16

      Tuesday, Day 24:          Exodus 7-8; Matthew 17

      Wednesday, Day 25:    Exodus 9-10; Matthew 18:1-20

      Thursday, Day 26:         Exodus 11-12; Matthew 18:21-35

      Friday, Day 27:             Exodus 13-15; Matthew 19:1-15

      Saturday, Day 28:         Exodus 16-18; Matthew 20:16-30


Note: Pastor Russ Reimers cell number is 507-236-6659.  If you need Pastoral Care, please contact an Elder, the office (924-3344) or Rev. Reimers.






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