Thursday, May 30, 2024


St. John’s Lutheran Church

109 Maple St. Burt, Iowa|Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Pastor: Rev. Briton Nelson and Senior Vacancy Pastor: Dave Simonson      

Secretary: Rosann Shipler

Pastor’s Cell: 608-415-8228 ~Pastor: Cell 515-297-2046                

Church Office: 515-924-3344

Pastor’s Email 

Church Email:


The Second Sunday after Pentecost

June 2, 2024





Pastor Briton Nelson 

Organist:  Marcia Hanna

Elder:  ~ Jerry Koestler

Head Usher:  John Schutter

Asst. Usher:  Drew Rasmussen 

Greeters This Sunday: Darrel and Mary Schmidt

Greeters Next Sunday:  Harold Lavrenz



Installation Services for Rev. Benjamin Dose will be held on Sunday, June 9 at 3 p.m. at Trinity, Algona.  A fellowship time and meal will be served following the installation.


Meal for Installation - We have been asked by Trinity’s Installation meal committee to help them with bringing salads and desserts. We will have the rest of the meal catered. Installation is at 3 p.m. and the meal will be right after at 4 p.m., Sunday, June 9th. We put a sign-up sheet on the back table if you are able to help. Thank you!  Lynn and Kitty (515) 890-3242 if you have any questions.  I  would be great if a few volunteers could help serve that day, too

VBS Fishing Derby - St. John’s VBS dates are being set for the summer. Our first event will be a Fishing Derby and will be held at Smith Lake Saturday afternoon on June 8 beginning with fishing from 2-4 p.m.; a lesson at 4:30 p.m. and from 5-5:30 p.m. supper will be provided by Thrivent

Action Funds. We will meet at Smith Lake southwest shelter house. Please sign by June 2nd if you are coming on the table in the back. Come meet Pastor Dose and Pastor Nelson that day!!!   

  • VBS Swimming Fun Day will be held in July with the date TBD.
  • Potluck and Fun Night of games etc. at the church for the whole congregation will be held on September 8th 5:30 p.m.


Card/Gift Shower Farewell for Pastor Dave Simonson will be held after church on Sunday, June 9, 2024. This will be Pastor Simonson’s last Sunday of preaching for our partnership. Come and wish Pastor Dave farewell and a big thank you for being our shepherd this last year. God’s Blessings to Pastor Dave as he can finally start his retirement!!


Dear St. John’s, Thank you so much for your generous support for us during this time at the seminary. This last year has been full of enormous changes but I have seen and felt God’s gracious provision through folks like you. We will keep in touch and are looking forward to worshiping with you and saying “Hello” in person, hopefully sometime soon,

                                    In Christ, Justin, Grace, Epiphany, and Ira Hilton 

·         Copies of an article that was published in the St. Louis Concordia Seminary Magazine about Seminary Student Justin Hilton and his family are on the table in the back for you to take.  You can read about them and as he shares his life story with others. Our mission giving is to  support Justin and his family during his studies at the seminary!

Pastoral Care On Demand - Need Prayer, Scripture, Communion, Absolution, or a listening ear? Feel free to call or text Pastor Nelson at 608-415-8228 or Pastor Dave Simonson 515-297-2046. 


Hospitalized?  If you or a loved one are hospitalized and would like a pastoral visit, please let us know! Pastors are not automatically notified when members are hospitalized.




Trinity Worship Schedule Update: The Trinity Elders have determined that during the summer months there will only be one Sunday service at 9:00 AM. The Saturday service will continue except for June 1 and other holiday or wedding weekends.


TLC Quilters - Don’t forget about the TLC Quilter’s “giving pew” by the east doors of St. John’s.  Feel free to take and give away as many quilts and bears as you’d like!  

·         Old Tattered Quilts Needed! Well-loved quilts can be repurposed into prayer hearts to provide comfort for others. 

·         Old Denim Jeans? We are in need of old denim jeans (any color & any condition) to make into quilts. Bring them to the church office or stop by the basement on Tuesdays or Thursdays to see them in action!  


On Trinity's Blog you can find various materials from our partnership pastors including the weekly radio program "Lift High the Cross," Lift High the Cross has transitioned into a walk through one of the readings that is not being preached on Sunday. Enrich your Sunday worship by gaining insight across God's Word! Also on the blog will be newspaper articles and other various thoughts from our pastors.

Building Healthy Families: Ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the evening news, thinking the world and everything you care about and value is going to hell in a handbasket? Here’s a friendly reminder to check our attitude and remember God’s promises, as well as the impact of sharing negative, cynical, hopeless expressions about the future within earshot of children, teens, and young parents in our family and church. Instead, refocus! Instill in the hearts and minds of young people who are just starting life they can – with God’s help and blessing – be an important part of building a better future. Remind them as Paul reminded Timothy: “…God did not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power and love and self-control.” Through our words and prayers, let’s encourage and build world-changers, not fearful hearts! Lutheran Family Service



IDW Disaster Help! As you may be aware, Greenfield, Iowa has recently been devastated by a powerful tornado that caused significant damage to homes, infrastructure and lives!  Help is needed!  Our LERT (Lutheran Early Response Team) is being organized to help. Our sister congregation Immanuel Lutheran did not sustain damage.  You can help by:

·         Keep all in your prayers. 

·         Financial help by mail send your check payable to Iowa District West with “Disaster Relief Fund” in the memo line or pay online and click on Donate to make a secure online donation.  Select the “Disaster Relief”option.

·         Congregations can also help by taking a door offering for supplies, shelter, and long-term recovery.  - Pastor Steve Turner, President IDW  


Library News!  The Burt Library will host a Muffin and Donuts Breakfast during BRAK (bike ride) on June 8th from 8-9:30 a.m. Please join us for a morning of coffee and fellowship from 8:00 - 9:30 am as we welcome the Bike Riders through Burt.




  Today, June 2, 2024    

     9:30 am     Divine Service


  Saturday, June 8, 2024

    2-4:00 pm   VBS Fishing at Smith Lake

    4:30 pm      VBS Lesson

    5-5:30 pm   Lunch and Fellowship


  Sunday, June 9, 2024

     9:30 am     Divine Service 

   10:30 am     Farewell for Pastor Dave Simonson 

     3:00 pm     Installation Service of Pastor Benjamin Dose

     4:00 pm     Lunch and Fellowship                 






St. John’s Lutheran Church – Burt, IA.

Phone: 515-924-3344
