Thursday, July 25, 2019



July 28, 2019

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

Collect of the DayO Lord, let Your merciful ears be attentive to the prayers of Your servants, and by Your Word and Spirit teach us how to pray that our petitions may be pleasing before You; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

We Welcome Pastor Jerry Raether as our guest preacher today. He is the former pastor of Zion Lutheran in Humboldt. We’re thankful for his willingness to lead our worship this morning.


Pastoral Care Next Week - I (Pastor Cowell) will be out of town on vacation from Friday, July 26 through Saturday, August 3.  If you are in immediate need of pastoral care during that time, please call the Trinity pastoral care phone at 515-361-1269 which Pastor Schlund will have for the week. 


Sunday Morning Bible Study – This summer our Sunday morning Bible study (8 a.m.) will be studying our favorite stories of the Pentateuch (Genesis-Deuteronomy). The title of next week’s study  is “Holier Than Thou: The Structure and Purpose of Levitical Law.”


Thank You to everyone who made my 60th Birthday a wonderful surprise! It certainly was a wonderful celebration!   God bless You all!    Shirlee Alt


A Special Thank –You to Karla Schutter and the Board of Education for organizing VBS and also, to all who helped in any way to make it such a success!


Summer Midweek Divine Service - Would you like to receive God's Word and Sacrament during the week? Whether you couldn't make it Sunday, or you've got a weekend camping trip planned, or you just enjoy receiving God's gifts: we've got what you need!  St. John's is offering a summer Wednesday spoken Divine Service at 7:00 p.m. on these Wednesdays: Aug. 7, and Aug. 21.  Plan on the service lasting around a half hour. 


Thrivent Action Teams - Do you receive your insurance or other services through Thrivent Financial? If you do, you are eligible to apply for two $250 gift cards per year to go toward service projects for your church or community.  If you would like for St. John's to utilize your Thrivent Action Card toward a service project, please talk to Pastor Cowell and he can discuss with you opportunities to do so. 


Volunteer Opportunity at the Kossuth County Fair - Trinity, Algona is looking for help to serve the free BBQ at the Kossuth County Fair.  The meal is Wednesday, July 31, from 4:00-7:00 pm.  Please talk to Lynn and Kitty if you are interested in helping. We will be volunteering with Trinity’s Community Care Committee.

New Flocknote Group at St. John's - We've added a new group to our Flocknote text/email system called "St. John's Volunteers."  This group will receive a message any time St. John's is in need of volunteers (such as for VBS, Burt Day church coffee, a Sunday School sub, Christmas decorating, bringing cookies for an event, etc.).  Subscribing to this group doesn't obligate you to help out with every event.  We would simply send out a message requesting help and you would have the opportunity to respond with "yes, I can help," or "no, I can't help."  This specific Flocknote group was created so that only people who are interested in volunteer opportunities are receiving these messages and not the entire congregation.  

- If you're interested, please sign up on the sheet on the back table.

- These requests for volunteers will also always be posted in our weekly announcements.  

- If you are interested in signing up for any other Flocknote groups or updating your preferences, see the 

   information sheet on the side table in the back of church or talk to Pastor Cowell.


Daily Prayer Cards Available - Feel free to take a daily prayer card on the back table for your personal or family devotions.  These cards include prayer suggestions for each day of the week as well as short prayer services for morning, noon, evening, and night.  These prayer cards are a great tool for forming a habit of prayer in your own life, and for starting a daily prayer routine with your family. 


Church Roof Fund – Due to your swift and generous contributions, our savings account has been replenished from the roof expenses.  However we continue to have a growing list of capital maintenance and improvement projects, which include cleaning and repairing the siding, painting the sanctuary, and others.  If you had planned on giving toward the roof and haven’t yet, we encourage you to give toward the repair and upkeep of the church by designating an amount on the “Capital Growth” line of your offering envelope.  With your help we can continue to make St. John’s a functional and beautiful place to share the gospel!  


Stained Glass Window Books of Trinity, Algona are available on the back table for you to purchase for $5 each.  These books include all of the stained glass windows at Trinity along with descriptions and the Scriptural references associated with each window.  Today is the last you can purchase them at St. John’s. After today you can pick one up at the Trinity office.  You can leave your money in the jar on the back table or the church office.


This Week in the Church Year  

  Feast Days:   None this week.        

  Commemorations:  07/28: Johann Sebastian Bach, Kantor; 07/29: Mary, Martha, and Lazarus of Bethany;

07/30: Robert Barnes, Confessor and Martyr; 07/31: Joseph of Arimathea; 08/03: Joanna, Mary, and Salome, Myrrhbearers

Biographies of the saints we commemorate throughout the year as well as prayers for special feast days in the Church Year are available on the back table.  This information is also available in the Treasury of Daily Prayer, the PrayNow iPhone app by CPH, or the LCMS Eurasia Facebook page.  Talk with Pastor Cowell if you have any questions about these resources.    


This Week at St. John’s – (July 28, 2019-August 4, 2019)

Today (28th)             9:00  am       Divine Service

Wednesday (31st)    9:30  am       Bible Study at Trinity

Thursday (Aug. 1st)                       No LWML Day Out

Sunday (Aug. 4th)    8:00   am      Adult Bible Study

                                 9:00  am       Divine Service  (Holy Communion)                               


Ushers for July:    *Larry Behnkendorf & Darrel Schmidt        Elder for July:   Jeff Schutjer