July 1, 2018
Adult Bible Class – June 24, 2018 - Topic: Book of Ecclesiastes Everyone Welcome!
Wednesday Summer Divine Service – There will be no Divine Service this Wednesday due to the 4th of July.
Vacation - Pastor Cowell will be on vacation from July 1-7. If you have an immediate pastoral need please call the Trinity pastoral care cell phone at 515-361-1269 and Pastor Schlund or Pastor Hauan will assist you.
Tree Blessing: We will be blessing our newly planted trees following the Divine Service today. We will begin the tree blessing ceremony with the new trees to the southwest of the church after everyone has been ushered out.
Ladies Day at St. John's: Hannah Cowell is hosting a social gathering for the women of St. John's and their friends. This will be an afternoon to enjoy time with friends at St. John's and to invite others to get to know our St. John's family. On Saturday, August 25th at 1:30 p.m. at St. John's Chipped Inscriptions of Forest City will be leading you through the creation of a sign to hang inside or outside your home. Choose one of the six designs on the sign-up sheet in the back of church. The cost is $40 per adult, $20 per child. Please sign up by August 20th.
Quarterly Council Meeting will be held on Sunday, July 8th following the service. The Voter’s Meeting will be on July 15th following that service.
Ice Cream Social - Kids of the Kingdom Preschool is once again having the Cobbler and Ice Cream Social at the Burt Summer Celebration, July 14. We do not get a Thrivent Action Card for our expenses so we are accepting monetary donations to help with our expenses. You can give donations to any Preschool Board member or Jessie Parsons. Thank you again for all the support you give to your preschool. See you at the celebration! Kids of the Kingdom staff and board.
Truth Terrain – Vacation Bible School is the theme of this years VBS. Join us as we embark on an adventure across multiple terrains learning the truth found in the Bible! Come and learn about the Parables Jesus taught. Truth Terrain will begin on Sunday, August 6th and go through Wednesday, August 8th from 6-8 p.m. Call the church office at 515 924-3344 or go to the church website to sign up at
Member Spotlights - We are looking to resurrect the old Life Committee that previously existed at St. John's. As a start we are seeking 2 or 3 people who are willing to conduct interviews with some of our members of the more "experienced" age group (the new politically correct way of saying "seniors"). In these interviews you'll visit with members about their childhood, family, occupation, memories of the church, favorite Scripture verses and hymns, and so forth. We'll then type up some of this information for a "member spotlight" and publish it in the Parish Messenger. If you are interested in doing these interviews please talk with Pastor.
Preschool Registration - Kids of the Kingdom Preschool is now accepting registration for the 2018-2019 school year for 3 and 4 year olds. Please contact the church office at 924-3344 or Jessie Parsons at 320-0501.
Lessons on the Liturgy: The Creed
Creed is a word that comes from the Latin word credo which means “I believe.” On Sunday we confess either the Apostles or Nicene Creed. In so doing we express our unity in the faith with the whole Church of all time and all places. Thus the Creed expresses our personal faith in God as well as the faith held among the community of believers in which we gather. – The content of this lesson comes from Scot Kinnaman, Worshiping with Angels and Archangels: An Introduction to the Divine Service, 24-25.
Copies of VHS Movies are available for the taking in the church library.
Camp Okoboji Quilt Auction is being held on Saturday, July 7th beginning at 12:30 p.m. Pictures of the quilts will be displayed on the Camp Okoboji website.
Plunge in to Splash Canyon VBS 2018! – Trinity Lutheran, Algona
Life’s full of thrills and spills! We don’t know what’s around the bend, but God does! At Splash Canyon VBS, God’s children learn the good news that our faithful God is with us and keeps His promises on Life’s wild ride, giving us life and hope through Jesus, our Savior! Registration is open for (potty trained) 3-yr-olds – 4th grade (completed) who will attend VBS from July 22-26, 6-8:30 pm (meal served 5:15-6). Closing Program will be July 29 at 10:30 am. Volunteers (5th grade – adult) are also needed. There are many ways to be involved to suit your schedule and interests. Participants and Volunteers may register online at Contact Tami Hankins at or 341-2309 with questions.
Project Hope – Help us provide a personal “Care Package” for children removed from their homes by DHS. We ask that you donate items such as toothpaste, brushes, mouth wash, shampoo/conditioner etc. (A full list of items is on the big blue bucket in the back of the church). You may leave any cash donations in the church office.
22nd Annual Summer Burt Celebration – July 14th: Friday night July 13th there will be A Little Mr. and Miss Contest at 7 p.m. with Root Beer Floats before from 5-6 p.m. at the pool. Saturday morning begins the day with City Wide Garage Sales, Parade at 11 a.m.; Steak/Hot Dog Dinner at the school, Kids of the Kingdom Ice Cream Social during the meal, the aftertnoon will be filled with food, music, games, root beer floats, Watermelon served at 3 p.m. , Children’s Tractor Pull and the famous Toliet Toss at 4 p.m.. Later in the evening a Street Dance will be held and Fire Works at 10:00 a.m. Be sure to come for some or all!!
This Week at St. John’s – (July 1, 2018-July 8, 2018)
Acolytes: Ushers
Ushers for July: *Larry Behnkendorf and Larry Manus
Elder for July: Jeff Schutjer
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