Thursday, April 19, 2018


April 22, 2018


The Congregation is Invited to attend the Public Examination of the Confirmands to be held on Wednesday, April 25th at 6:30 p.m. 


Adult Bible Class – April 29, 2018 - Topic:  1 John 2


Lessons on the Liturgy:  The Paschal Candle

The Paschal Candle, or “Christ Candle” is lit on Easter Sunday and remains lit until the Ascension of our Lord forty days later.  This light represents the bodily presence of Christ in the midst of his disciples during the forty days after his resurrection.  The only other times the Paschal Candle is lit is on special holidays like Christmas and Pentecost, and at baptisms and funerals as a special reminder that Christ is bodily present among those being baptized into his name and those who die in the faith and now rest with him.


Preschool Registration - Kids of the Kingdom Preschool is now accepting registration for the 2018-2019 school year for 3 and 4 year olds.  Please contact the church office at 924-3344 or Jessie Parsons at 320-0501.


French Toast Fundraiser - Trinity Lutheran Church's Fellowship Club is hosting a French Toast Fundraiser for Camp Okoboji today from 8:30-11:00am at the Trinity Life Center in Algona. Join us and invite your friends!


Benefit for Baby Charlie Murphy the 2 month old son of Jared & Alyssa (Wood) Murphy will be held Sunday, May 6th at the Burt Activity Complex.  Charlie has Type II Biliary Atresia, serious liver condition that requires on-going medical care and a possible liver transplant.   The meal will be at 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. and a Silent Auction from 11a.m. to 2 p.m. with the Live Auction at 1 p.m.   For more information contact Kelly Fitzgerald at 515-320-5762 or check out the poster on the ramp bulletin board.


Almsgiving Project Reports

The following is the confirmation students’ selections to whom our Lenten alms are being sent:


Nicholas Christensen: The Algona Food Bank

I chose the food bank of Algona.  The money could help them buy the food they need rather than hope someone donates what they need.  The reason I chose the food bank is that they always need donations to keep the place running and to have the food they need.



Peyton Marlow:   St. Paul’s Music Conservatory of Council Bluffs, IA

I chose the Music Conservatory of St. Paul’s Lutheran church to give alms to.  This organization is important as they offer private music lessons taught by Christian instructors in the areas of cello, guitar, organ, and piano.  These instructors provide opportunities for development in musical leadership.  By giving money to the Music Conservatory more people will be able to benefit from these music lessons.


Jay Heinen:  Lone Rock Fire Department

I am giving my alms to the Lone Rock Fire Department.  This is a volunteer department so all the money will be used toward equipment.  I chose this group because I want to help my hometown.


This Week at St. John’s  – (April 22, 2018- April 29, 2018)

Today            8:00     am       Sunday School/Adult Class

                      9:00     am       Divine Service  (Holy Communion)                                        

                    10:00     am       Voter’s Meeting

Monday        9:00     am       Preschool                                                                                              

Tuesday        9:00     am       Preschool

Wednesday  9:00     am       Preschool                                                                                  

                      6:00     pm       Religion School

                      6:30     pm       Public Examination of Confirmands

Thursday       9:00     am       Preschool          

                      4:30     pm       LWML Zone Meeting at St. Paul’s Garner

Sunday         8:00     am       Sunday School/Adult Class

                      9:00     am       Confirmation Service  (Holy Communion)

                    10:00     am       Reception for Confirmands in Church basement


Greeters Next Week:        Darrel and Mary Schmidt

Acolyte:                             Jacob Haase

Head Usher:                      Roger Lavrenz 

Ushers for April:              *Don Madsen, Ken McFarland & Wendell Christensen Jr.

Elder for April:                  Jeff Schutjer


Snow Sunday – April 15, 2018 - No Statistical Report







Trinity Bible Studies – St. John’s members are welcome to attend any of the following Bible Studies at Trinity:

·         Wednesday AM Adult Bible Class – Mornings at 9:30 a.m.

·         Women’s Bible Studies during the school year on Monday mornings at 7:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.

·         BYOB (Bring Your Own Bible) - Sunday Evening Bible Study at 7:30 p.m. in Fireside Room. We will be studying The Book of Hebrews