Thursday, June 14, 2018


June 17, 2018


Adult Bible Class – June 24, 2018 - Topic:  Book of Ecclesiates


Wednesday Summer Divine Service - Wednesday June 20th  at 6:30 p.m. We are offering a midweek Divine Service for those not able to make it on Sunday.  You are welcome to come to both services.


Thank You so much to the Preschool Board and Jessie for having a retirement coffee for me. Thank you to everyone for coming,  for the cards, well-wishes, and gifts. Thanks be to God for giving me seventeen years at a job I loved. May God bless all you!      Donna Haase


Ice Cream Social - Kids of the Kingdom Preschool is once again having the Cobbler and Ice Cream Social at the Burt Summer Celebration, July 14.  We do not get a Thrivent Action Card for our expenses so we are accepting monetary donations to help with our expenses.  You can give donations to any Preschool Board member or Jessie Parsons.  Thank you again for all the support you give to your preschool. See you at the celebration!  Kids of the Kingdom staff and board.


Member Spotlights - We are looking to resurrect the old Life Committee that previously existed at St. John's.  As a start we are seeking 2 or 3 people who are willing to conduct interviews with some of our members of the more "experienced" age group (the new politically correct way of saying "seniors").  In these interviews you'll visit with members about their childhood, family, occupation, memories of the church, favorite Scripture verses and hymns, and so forth.  We'll then type up some of this information for a "member spotlight" and publish it in the Parish Messenger.  If you are interested in doing these interviews please talk with Pastor. 


Preschool Registration - Kids of the Kingdom Preschool is now accepting registration for the 2018-2019 school year for 3 and 4 year olds.  Please contact the church office at 924-3344 or Jessie Parsons at 320-0501.


Vacation Bible School at St. John’s will be held August 5-8th.  Those dates are Sunday through Wednesday from 6-8:00 p.m. Mark this on your calendars and invite all children 3 years- 6th grade to attend. 


Adult Bible Class will continue thru the summer months at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.  Come join us!


Thank You - “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy.” The Apostle Paul’s words express our feelings toward all the Saints at St. John’s  for the Prayers on my 65th Anniversary of my ordination, celebration of our 65th anniversary and my 90th Birthday!

With our love, and prayers for God’s blessing on all!                  Rev. Henry & Evelyn Friedrich


Lessons on the Liturgy:   Kyrie Eleison

Kyrie Eleison is Latin for “Lord, have mercy.”  The Kyrie is the first prayer we pray during the Divine Service after confession and absolution.  This short prayer is prayed often by the saints in Scripture, for example, by the Canaanite woman (Mt. 15:22), by blind Bartimaeus (Mk. 10:46-47), and the ten lepers (Lu. 17:12-13).  Just as the prayer was used in Scripture, we pray Kyrie Eleison to our Lord and King that he might show mercy on us through His Word and Supper which we are about to receive. – The content of this lesson comes from Scot Kinnaman, Worshiping with Angels and Archangels: An Introduction to the Divine Service, 14.


IDW Convention - The opening worship service of the Iowa District West Convention is the best way to start a convention.  We begin with what is most important that being Christ.  We open our convention at Christ’s altar, pulpit and font. Only then can we move to the business of the Church. Praise God for all assisting with worship including our preacher, the Rev. Herbert Mueller, 1st VP of the LCMS.  Please join us for the opening worship service at Immanual Lutheran Church (2300 27th Street) in Spirit Lake on Sunday, June 24 beginning at

7pm.  All are welcome to attend!

Plunge in to Splash Canyon VBS 2018! – Trinity Lutheran, Algona

Life’s full of thrills and spills! We don’t know what’s around the bend, but God does! At Splash Canyon VBS, God’s children learn the good news that our faithful God is with us and keeps His promises on Life’s wild ride, giving us life and hope through Jesus, our Savior!  Registration is open for (potty trained) 3-yr-olds – 4th grade (completed) who will attend VBS from July 22-26, 6-8:30 pm (meal served 5:15-6). Closing Program will be July 29 at 10:30 am. Volunteers (5th grade – adult) are also needed. There are many ways to be involved to suit your schedule and interests. Participants and Volunteers may register online at  Contact Tami Hankins at or 341-2309 with questions.


Celebrate Come help celebrate Peter Vrankin’s 20 years to the City of Burt on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 from 2:30 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. at the Burt City Council Chambers. No, he is not retiring or quitting simply celebrating this milestone with plans of more years to come.  Refreshments of cake, coffee, and lemonade will be served. 


Alzheimer’s Association Longest Day Walk will be held at Windsor Manor on June 21st from 5:30 -7:30 p.m. If you are interested in participating in the Good Samaritan Society team or if you wish to donate financially to the Longest Day Walk, please call and speak with Mary Hannover 515-294-2414.


This Week at St. John’s  – (June 17, 2018- June 24, 2018)

Today             8:00     am       Sunday School/Adult Class

                      9:00     am       Divine Service   (Holy Communion)  Pastor Eric Hauan

Wednesday    6:30     pm       Divine Midweek Service

Sunday           8:00     am       Adult Class

                      9:00     am       Divine Service     

                                             IDW Convention Begins at Camp Okoboji

Greeters Next Week:     Don and Pam Madsen

Acolytes:                        Ushers

Ushers for June:            *Steve Madsen and Derek Schutjer

Elder for June:                Boyd Shipler