Thursday, February 15, 2018


February 18, 2018


Greeters Today:       Terry and Vicki Briggs


Prayer Requests:    …  Continual Prayers:  Karen Karels, Joan Koestler, Laura Knoll, Helen Smith, Ruth Nerem

                                       and Don Behnkendorf       


Birthdays for the Week:  Laura Knoll (19th); Kassie Renshaw (21st); and Kim Borlik (23rd).

                                                            Please notify the church office of any corrections                                      


Adult Class – February 25, 2018 - Topic:  Return from Exile Lenten Series: The Garden


LWML invites you to come to the church dining room the first Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m.  Pastor Cowell is leading us in a study of Martin Luther's book "A Simple Way to Pray", translated by Mathew C. Harrison. We  enjoy a time of fellowship later. Please consider joining us for a time of prayer and fun.


Lutheran Witness Subscription:   The cost for a year subscription is $22.70. If you receive the witness and want to keep getting it, leave your money in the church office.  If you no longer wish to receive the witness, please contact the office to have your name removed.  Make checks to St. John’s Lutheran Church.


Lenten Services will be held Wednesdays 21, 2018 at 6:30 p.m.


Pastor Chats - I will continue to post my available times on the back table for the week ahead for a visit with me.  I will continue to post times until I am able to visit every family.   


Parish Messenger Articles for March/April edition are due this week. Send them to the .


Lenten Devotionals are available on the back table.  Please, feel free to take one home.


Lessons on the Liturgy:   “Giving Something Up” for Lent

The recent tradition of “giving something up” for Lent grew out of the ancient tradition of seeing the season of Lent as a season of self-denial.  We begin the season by putting ashes on our foreheads to confess that this is what we are without God.  Adam was dust before God made him Adam, and we will return to dust and remain dust if we continue in sin apart from God.  With ashes on our heads we begin the season denying ourselves of the things which otherwise identify us as human, which are truly dust.  Then we seek to grow into the new humanity which Christ gave us at our Baptism.  We spend forty days strengthening our attack against the things by which we are tempted to be defined, and forty days seeking to be defined by the life which Christ has delivered to us on the cross.


Ski and Tube Mount Kato - Trinity Lutheran Youth invites all St. John’s Youth to a Ski Trip at Mt. Kato today in Mankato, MN.  We will leave at 12 p.m. at the Life Center and return around 10 p.m. that evening. We will stop for supper, and each youth will be responsible for their own meal.  Cost/Ski-$21 each lift ticket and $19 each ski rental, and optional $4 ski lesson, optional helmet $4.  Cost/Tube - $18 for three hours.  Contact Pastor Hauan at Trinity 295-3518 to sign up.   (Refer to poster along ramp for more information).


Final Witness - Planning Your Funeral Have you ever thought about your funeral as being your final opportunity to witness to others about your faith? Funerals often bring friends and family members into the church who haven’t been there for a while or maybe even ever. The scriptural texts and hymns that you pick can bring great comfort in a difficult time and point people to the hope that we have in Jesus. Pastor Schlund will lead this workshop as we look at planning for our final witness as Christians. Jayme Lentz will also share important information about options for pre-planning your funeral with a funeral home. Mark your calendar for Saturday, February 24th at 9am in the Life Center and plan to be there with us. 

Under Thrivent’s Choice Program, members who meet minimum requirements are given Choice Dollars to allocate to the organization of their choice.  These dollars are given at no cost to the member.  Thrivent members who have Choice Dollars available have until March 31, 2018 to allocate dollars from 2017. Choice dollars that are not allocated by that date will be lost.  Please consider allocating your Choice Dollars to St. John’s or to the Kids of the Kingdom Preschool.  Both are registered as eligible recipient for Choice Dollars.  In order to see if you have Choice Dollars available and to allocate those dollars, call 1-800-THRIVENT (1-800-347-4836) or access your account through  Your Choice dollars need to be allocated each year or they will be lost.


 This Week at St. John’s  – (February 18, 2018- February 25, 2018)

Today           8:00     am       Sunday School/Adult Bible Class

                     9:00     am       Service (Holy Communion)                                                                 

Tuesday        9:00     am       Preschool          

Wednesday  9:00     am       Preschool                                                                                                          

              6:00-6:30     pm       Religion School

                     6:30     pm      Lenten Service

Thursday       9:00     am       Preschool                                                                                              

Sunday         8:00     am       Sunday School and Adult Bible Class

                      9:00    am       Service 


Greeters Next Week:         Vern & Joan Koestler

Acolyte:                             Jacob Haase

Head Usher:                      Roger Lavrenz 

Ushers for February:        *John Smith

Elder for February:            Jerry Koestler


Trinity Bible Studies – St. John’s members are welcome to attend any of the following Bible Studies at Trinity:

·         Wednesday AM Adult Bible Class – Mornings at 9:30 a.m.

·         Women’s Bible Studies during the school year on Monday mornings at 7:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.

·         BYOB (Bring Your Own Bible) - Sunday Evening Bible Study at 7:30 p.m. in Fireside Room. We will be studying The Book of Hebrews