Thursday, April 28, 2016


May 1, 2016



**Note:  Church Services through the summer will be at 8:00 a.m. due to the vacancy here at St. John’s beginning Sunday May 8thSunday School will be at 9:15 a.m. through May 29th.  Rev. Russell Reimers of Wilbert Minnesota will be serving as our vacancy Pastor until other arrangements are made. 


Rolls and Coffee will be served in the church basement next Sunday, May 1st for Pastor, Sarah, Lilli, Emalee, Ellanor, Liam and Lydia’s last Sunday with us.  Please, take the time to come down to say your last Good-bye’s.


A Sincere Thank You to my church family for prayers, cards, flowers, and visits while I was in 3 hospitals for a month.  It’s amazing how prayer and faith in Jesus love helped my body heal. I feel so blessed and thankful for all the kindnesses shown!   Pam Madsen


Pastor’s New Address is 9352 Crest Circle Dr. NE Rockford, MI 49341. Phone:  734-645-4353.  Email


Thank you to the congregation for supporting another year of preschool through the various fundraisers we have had. Without your continued support preschool wouldn’t be possible. A big thank you Mrs. Haase for helping another year, I appreciate you more then you will ever know! Also, thank you to Mrs. Shipler for the many “little’ things you do throughout the year for us.  Jessie, Parsons, Teacher.


Building Healthy Families May is Older Americans’ Month, a chance to recognize the gift that today’s older folks are to all of us. Many older Iowans provide strong and valuable leadership in church, community and family life. Their knowledge, life experience, work ethic, faith and generosity combine to make them invaluable resources. Others who are not able to be so active still provide hours of prayer and lots of love. Today as we recognize along with Job that, “wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days,” (Job 12:12), we thank God for the older members in our congregational family!  -Lutheran Family Service


Burt Summer Celebration will celebrate 20 years this year on Saturday, July 9th.  Many committee members have been on the committee since it started in 1997 and could use some help with a new group of volunteers.  If any of you are interested in continuing the tradition in Burt call Burt City Hall (924-3618).


This Week at St. John’s  – (May 1, 2016-May 8, 2016)

Today               8:00   am       Sunday School    

                        8:15   am       Adult Class           

                        9:00   am       Service  (Holy Communion)                                                        

Wednesday      6:00   pm       Mission Project for Religion School – Bead Bracelets for Missions

Next Sunday    8:00   am       Service

                        9:15   am       Sunday School


Greeters Next Week:           Darrel and Mary Schmidt

Acolyte This Week:             Alasha Heenan

Acolyte Next Week:            Jordan Blocker and Gabby Kelly

Head Usher:                       Roger Lavrenz 

Ushers for May:               *Jeff Madsen, John Person, and Joel Smith

Elder for May:                     Jerry Koestler



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