November 24, 2019
Last Sunday of the Church Year
Collect of the Day – Lord Jesus Christ, You reign among us by the preaching of Your cross. Forgive Your people their offenses that we, being governed by Your bountiful goodness, may enter at last into Your eternal paradise; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Food Pantry - Today and at our Thanksgiving service we will be taking a special offering for the Kossuth County Food Pantry. You may place your food pantry offering in the offering plate at the end of the pews.
Church Decorating for Christmas – We will be decorating the church for the Advent and Christmas season following the service today (November 24th). We’ll enjoy refreshments in the basement after the decorating is finished. We hope you can join in on the fun! – St. John’s Christmas Committee: Wendell & Teresa Christensen, Terry & Vicki Briggs, Allison & Clark Christensen, and Joe & Tina Heyes.
Adult Bible Study - Our Sunday morning adult Bible study class is discussing the benefit of meditating on the six chief parts of the Catechism through Scripture and prayer. We’ll be using the book The Lord Will Answer: A Daily Prayer Catechism. A copy of the book will be provided for everyone to use.
Advent-Christmas Invites - We are going to try to make everyone feel welcomed and loved at St. John's again this year with our Advent-Christmas invites! Consider personally delivering a card to a neighbor, friend, or family member on the table in back of church. Let them know that you would love to worship with them this Advent and Christmas season, and that you are happy to be their brother or sister in Christ. Also, tell us on the sign-up sheet in back who you delivered cards to so that we can get a better sense of who is well connected with some of our less active members. There are also a few blank cards that you can deliver to non-members. Any remaining cards will be mailed on Monday, November 25th.
Thanksgiving Service at St. John’s is Wednesday, November 27th at 6:30 p.m. with Holy Communion. Trinity, Algona’s Thanksgiving service is Thursday, November 28th at 9:00 a.m.
Poinsettias – If you would like to purchase a poinsettia for the church to use during Advent and Christmas services, there is a sign-up sheet on the table in the back of the church. Make sure you specify which of the 3 color choices you want and please pay Cheryl Batt by Sunday, December 8th. You may take your poinsettia home after Christmas Day.
Old Bibles – Today is the last day we will be collecting old Bibles in the back of church. These Bibles will go to IOWAY of Iowa District West who will transport them to the Takin' it to the Streets charity in Omaha.
LWML Christmas Coffee will be held on Sunday, December 8th following the Voter’s Meeting in the church basement. LWML members, please bring 2 dozen cookies for the coffee and also for the Christmas giving plates to the shut-ins.
The Giving Pew - The TLC Quilters have set up the "giving pew" at St. John's! The pew near the east doors will be stocked with a quilt and other items made by the quilters for the purpose of our members taking them in a time of need or delivering them to someone they know who is in need of warmth, comfort, support, or love. There is no need to tell anyone who the quilt is going to, the quilters are just happy to know someone is getting the care they need. A favorite practice of the quilters is when a quilt is finished to pray that whoever ends up with their quilt would know the love of God in Christ Jesus who motivates their many works of mercy.
Thank You! On behalf of St. Paul Lutheran Church and School we humbly thank you for the memorial of $200.00 in memory of Pastor Henderson. We thank you for your prayers and comfort! Pastor Henderson is truly missed but as he would say often “Carry On”. We have been blessed with a new pastor helping us to continue the work of the Lord. God’s Blessings, Members of St. Paul Lutheran, Fort Dodge.
Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner - The Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner will be Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 28th in the St. Cecelia’s Parish Center at noon (11:30 for carry outs). You MUST call in advance (295-3435) for home deliveries. Free will donations accepted. For questions, call Scott Curtis at 341-0000.
Fall Craft and Vendor Show is being held today (November 24th) at the Burt Activity Complex from 10:30-1:00 p.m. Come hungry and also enjoy the Vegetable Beef Soup Luncheon sponsored by the Burt Summer Celebration Committee.
Lion's Club Santa Day! is December 7, 2019 from 1-3:00 p.m. at the Burt Activity Complex. Come and enjoy pictures with Santa, a cake walk with proceeds to the Swimming Pool, coloring for the children, fire truck rides, drawing for prizes and cookies and coffee/hot chocolate. Come spend the afternoon!!
Hospice of the Heartland – You are invited to attend The Hospice of the Heartland’s 2019 Lights of Life Program that will be held on Sunday, December 8 at 2 p.m. at the Kossuth Regional Health Center. A gift of $10 will light a bulb in memory/honor of your loved one. Please call us at 515-295-4430.
This Week in the Church Year
Feast Days: 11/30: St. Andrew, Apostle
Commemorations: 11/29: Noah
This Week at St. John’s – (November 24, 2019- December 1, 2019)
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