Thursday, October 03, 2019



October 6, 2019

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost


Collect of the Day – O God, our refuge and strength, the author of all godliness, by Your grace hear the prayers of Your Church. Grant that those things which we ask in faith we may receive through Your bountiful mercy; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

The Altar Flowers this morning were given in celebration of 55 years of marriage by Boyd and Rosann Shipler.


Adult Bible Study - Our Sunday morning adult Bible study class is discussing the God-given character of man and woman as described in the Bible.  We'll also occasionally reference Pastor Jeffrey Hemmer's book, Man Up! The Quest for Masculinity.  Talk to Pastor Cowell if you are interested in purchasing a copy of the book.  


Membership Updates - There is a letter on the back table with a list of out-of-the-area members who we are going to vote to remove at our October 20th Voters meeting.  Ask Pastor or an Elder if you have any further questions after reading the letter.  Keep in mind that our removal of these people from our membership does not say anything about their faith.  Rather, their removal communicates our congregation's inability to claim responsibility for caring for their faith.  Any of these removed members who continue to confess the faith of our Lutheran Confessions are welcome to receive the Lord's Supper with us when they visit. 


LWML Sunday Today

·   LWML will be serving coffee and cookies following the service today in celebration of LWML Sunday.

·   LWML  Group is asking for your help to raise money for mites to do the Lord's work around the world. Give your LWML offering in the back on either the left side of the aisle or the right depending on where you sit for church and we will see which side wins. We all will win!  Thank you for your help.  LWML.


Mission Support Updates about Pastor James May and the Gate Church are available on the table in the back.


Quarterly Council Meeting is Sunday, October 13th following the service.  The Voter’s Meeting is Sunday, October 20th.


Algona Circuit Reformation Hymn-Sing - Join the congregations of the Algona Circuit of Iowa District West for our Reformation hymn-sing! The event will be held Sunday, October 27th at 2:00 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church in Algona.  During the hymn-sing you’ll get the chance to hear some of the history and theology behind the great hymns of the Lutheran Reformation as well as enjoy singing them with our brothers and sisters in Christ from around the area.  Local musician Glenn Henriksen will be our organist for the event.  We will enjoy refreshments and social time in the Trinity Life Center following the hymn-sing.


A Simple Explanation of Holy Communion - Have you ever struggled to answer questions about Holy Communion such as: How are the bread and wine the body and blood of Christ? What is the benefit of receiving the Lord's Supper? Why should we receive it frequently? How should we prepare to receive it? With whom should and shouldn't we receive Communion?  The answer to these questions and more can be found in A Simple Explanation of Holy Communion available for free on the back table.  These short, simply written answers to important questions about the Lord's Supper are a great resource for you as you consider them for yourself or in conversation with family and friends.  Feel free to take extra copies to give to family and friends as well. 


Adopt-A-Highway -Trinity Lutheran and St. John’s have partnered to Adopt-A-Highway. Our section is six miles north of Algona on Highway 169. Our next highway clean-up is Saturday, October 12 (rain date – Sunday, October 13). We’ll meet at Trinity at 10 am to go over safety and then carpool to the site. If you can help, please contact Kathy Bichel at 515-320-5864.


Trinity After School For Kids - Volunteers are needed to help with Trinity’s TASK Program after school. No experience needed. Volunteer as much or as little as your schedule allows - volunteering even once a month would be a great help! High school students can earn silver cord hours. Contact Marcia Kenne at 515-320-3827 for more information.


St. Paul Lutheran Church in Garner is having a 125 year celebration on Sunday September 13th.  See the flier on the back table for more information.


Life Chain - The Kossuth County Right to Life will promote God’s gift of life for all ages today from 2-3 p.m. Come stand with us in Algona at the corner of State and Jones St. We will meet in front of the Louscher’s Dental Clinic parking lot at 1:30.


The Alzheimer’s Support and Related Disorders Support Group will be held October 10th from 3-4 p.m. at Van Buren Terrace, Algona. We look forward to seeing you.  


Good Samaritan Society Potato Bake Luncheon will be held on Friday October 11th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church. The cost is $8.00 per person and proceeds will go to nursing and rehab equipment.  You can purchase tickets at the Trinity office or from John Kern at Good Samaritan Center.


Burt Trunk or Treat - Join us Halloween night for Trunk or Treat in Burt! The event will be held at the Burt Presbyterian parking lot from 5:00-6:30. We’ll have trunks full of candy, games, pumpkin painting, popcorn, cider, and hot chocolate. This event is hosted by the churches of Burt.

- If you, your family, business or organization would like to host a car (decorate your car/trunk/tailgate and

  hand out candy), please contact Hannah Cowell (call/text: 712-294-4962; email:


This Week in the Church Year  

Feast Days:   none assigned this week

Commemorations:  10/07: Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, Pastor; 10/09: Abraham; 10/11: Philip, Deacon


This Week at St. John’s – (October 6, 2019-October 13, 2019)

Today (6th)                 8:00   am        Adult Bible Study/Sunday School                                          

                                 9:00   am        Divine Service (Holy Communion)                                                                 

                               10:00    am        LWML Coffee

Monday (7th )       7 & 9:30   am        Women’s Bible Study at Trinity

Tuesday (8th)              8:30   am        Circuit Pastor’s Meeting at Immanuel Lotts Creek

Wednesday (9th)            9:30            am Bible Study at Trinity

                                 6:00   pm       Midweek Religion School                                                                

Sunday (13th)              8:00   am        Adult Bible Study/Sunday School

                                 9:00  am       Divine Service

                                10:00  am       Quarterly Council Meeting


Ushers for October:     *Randy Reimers & Terry Briggs        Elder for October:   Jeff Schutjer 

Acolytes for Today:       Kenna Hatten and Taylor Parsons