Thursday, July 12, 2018


July 15, 2018


Adult Bible Class – July 22, 2018 - Topic:  Book of Ecclesiastes  


Quarterly Voter’s Meeting will be held immediately following today’s service.


Adult Bible Study - On July 29 we will begin an adult Bible study series on the blessings of Holy Communion.  In this series we will study the joys and benefits of receiving the Lord's Supper on a regular basis.  The goal of this study is to inspire in us a desire to receive Christ's body and blood every Sunday here at St. John's.  If you have any questions or curiosities about the Biblical, historical, and Lutheran foundations of weekly Communion and the blessings it brings to God's people I encourage you to attend this Bible study series.    


Midweek Divine Service will be held Wednesday, July 18th at 6:30 p.m.


Thank you to a wonderful Church family for all the prayers, calls and cards, I received in the past months. God bless you all!     Joan Koestler


Ladies Day at St. John's: Hannah Cowell is hosting a social gathering for the women of St. John's and their friends.  This will be an afternoon to enjoy time with friends at St. John's and to invite others to get to know our St. John's family.  On Saturday, August 25th at 1:30 p.m. at St. John's Chipped Inscriptions of Forest City will be leading you through the creation of a sign to hang inside or outside your home.  Choose one of the six designs on the sign-up sheet in the back of church.  The cost is $40 per adult, $20 per child.  Please sign up by August 20th.  


Truth Terrain – Vacation Bible School is the theme of this year’s VBS.  Join us as we embark on an adventure across multiple terrains learning the truth found in the Bible! Come and learn about the Parables Jesus taught. Truth Terrain will begin on Sunday, August  5th and go through Wednesday, August 8th from 6-8 p.m. Call the church office at 515 924-3344 or go to the church website to sign up on the registration forms, or you may email the church at:


Celebrating 60 years of Service – Algona Good Samaritan Society will be celebrating 60 years of Service to our Community for the care and services to residents and families.  The celebration will begin with the Chamber Coffee on July 20th at 9:30 a.m. followed by a short program at 11:00 a.m. A picnic dinner will be served at 12 noon and the Ice Cream Social at 1:30 p.m. Come join us for some and all events!


Preschool Registration - Kids of the Kingdom Preschool is now accepting registration for the 2018-2019 school year for 3 and 4 year olds.  Please contact the church office at 924-3344 or Jessie Parsons at 320-0501.


Lessons on the Liturgy:   Thee We Adore, O Hidden Savior, LSB 640

The third stanza of Thomas Aquinas’ well-known hymn, Thee We Adore, O Hidden Savior (LSB 640), is quite obscure without some historical background.  The stanza says: “Thou, like the pelican to feed her brood, Didst pierce Thyself to give us living food; Thy blood, O Lord, one drop has pow’r to win, Forgiveness for our world and all its sin.”  This image comes from the old legend of the pelican, which says that if a mother pelican does not have food to feed her children in the nest she will let them drink her blood to keep them alive, but the mother will die as a result.  Mother pelicans do not, in fact, feed their children like this, but our Lord has poured out his blood to feed us eternal life at His Holy Supper. – The content of this lesson comes from Pamela Nielsen, Behold the Lamb: An Introduction to the Signs and Symbols of the Church, 26-27.


Plunge in to Splash Canyon VBS 2018! – Trinity Lutheran, Algona:  Life’s full of thrills and spills! We don’t know what’s around the bend, but God does! At Splash Canyon VBS, God’s children learn the good news that our faithful God is with us and keeps His promises on Life’s wild ride, giving us life and hope through Jesus, our Savior!  Registration is open for (potty trained) 3-yr-olds – 4th grade (completed) who will attend VBS from July 22-26, 6-8:30 pm (meal served 5:15-6). Closing Program will be July 29 at 10:30 am. Volunteers (5th grade – adult) are also needed. There are many ways to be involved to suit your schedule and interests. Participants and Volunteers may register online at  Contact Tami Hankins at or 341-2309 with questions.


Music at the Burt Presbyterian Church -

·   The Saratoga Boys, a men’s gospel quartet, will be leading worship at the Burt Presbyterian Church on Sunday, July 22nd at 10:30 a.m. Should be some good gospel music for all. Steve Karels former Burt alum is a member of this group! All are invited to join us!

·   Blake and Jenna Bolerjack in Concert will be held at the Burt Presbyterian Church on Sunday, July 29th at 6:30 p.m. A concert mix of gospel and contemporary Christian music.  Free Will Offering


This Week at St. John’s  – (July 15, 2018-July 22, 2018)

Today            8:00     am       Adult Class

                      9:00     am       Divine Service   (Holy Communion)

                    10:00     am       Voter’s Meeting

Wednesday  6:30     pm       Divine Midweek Service

Sunday         8:00     am       Adult Class

                      9:00     am       Divine Service

                  6-8:30     pm       VBS at Trinity, Algona


Greeters Next Week:     Shirlee Alt and Barb Thilges  

Acolytes:                       Ushers

Ushers for July:           *Larry Behnkendorf and Larry Manus

Elder for July:               Jeff Schutjer


Trinity Bible Studies – St. John’s members are welcome to attend any of the following Bible Studies at Trinity:

·         Wednesday AM Adult Bible Class – Mornings at 9:30 a.m.

·         BYOB (Bring Your Own Bible) – Tuesday Evenings Bible Study at 7:30 p.m. at parsonage. We will be studying The Book of Amos