Thursday, November 16, 2017


November 19, 2017


Greeters Today:     Barb Harms

Prayer Requests:    …  Continual Prayers:  Karen Karels & Charles Christensen, Ruth Nerem and Don Behnkendorf

                                 ...  Thankfulness and praise for a Bountiful Harvest

                                 …  61st Wedding Anniversary of Wendell and Esther Christensen


Special Senior Birthday – Donna Haase – November 24, 2017   (Seniors 80+)        


Birthdays for the Week:   Brynetta Lavrenz  (19th); D.J. Harlan (22nd ); & Gabby Kelly (23rd).

                                                Please notify the church office of any corrections                                      


Flowers on the Altar this morning were given in celebration of Wendell and Esther Christensen’s 61st Wedding Anniversary on November 23rd  by their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.


Adult Class   – November 26, 2017:    Topic:  “Preparing for Christ’s Advents with the New Testament”


Poinsettias – If you would like to provide a poinsettia for the church to use during the Advent and Christmas seasons, there is a sign-up sheet at the back of the church. Please sign your name and indicate the color you would like to order and pay Cheryl Batt for your plant by Sunday, December 3rd. The poinsettias will be put up for worship services beginning Sunday, December 10th. Feel free to take your plant home to enjoy after Christmas Day Services.


Thanksgiving Service  with Holy Communion will be celebrated on Wednesday evening November 22nd at 6:30 p.m.  This is a change from previous years.


Advent/Christmas Decorating - Our Advent "Service" on Wednesday, November 29th will be a "service" of a different sort!  You're invited to help decorate the church for the Advent and Christmas season.  We will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a very brief prayer and dedication of our new Christmas tree before we start decorating.  We will enjoy refreshments and Advent music while we work.  There will also be decorating activities for children.  We hope to see you there!  


Children’s Christmas Program Practices  will be Sunday December 3rd from 3-4 p.m., December 10th from 3-4 p.m. and December 17th Dress Rehearsal from 3-5 p.m.  It is important to be sure to have children here for these practices.


LWML Ladies Christmas Coffee will be held following the service on Sunday, December 3rd.   Please stay and help us celebrate the beginning of the Christmas season.  LWML members are to bring cookies for the coffee and for the shut-in plates.


New Office Desk – Stop by Pastor Cowell’s office and see his new hand built office desk that was donated by a member of our congregation. Special thanks for this wonderful gift!


Advent Open House – Pastor Thomas, Hannah and Penny wish to invite you to an Advent Open House at their home at 609 E Kennedy St. Algona on Sunday, December 10, 2017 from 2-5 p.m.  Mark your calendars!

Pastor Chats - I will continue to post my available times on the back table for the week ahead for a visit with me.  I will continue to post times through the fall and winter until I am able to visit every family.   



Lessons on the Liturgy:   Agnus Dei

Agnus Dei is Latin for “Lamb of God.”  This hymn became part of the liturgy around 700 A.D.  The hymn sings the word of John 1:29, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”  The Agnus Dei also brings to mind the Lamb who was slain who sits victoriously on the throne of God in the book of Revelation.  We sing this hymn as we approach the altar to recall Christ’s sacrificial death for us and the forgiveness and peace which his sacrificed blood now brings to us.


Christmas Harmony – The Cornbelt Barbershop Chorus will hold its annual Christmas Concert with the United Methodist Chancel Choir on Sunday December 3 at 2 p.m. at the Algona United Methodist Church. The proceeds will be going to help support the Algona Ambulance Service.  Come and enjoy beautiful Christmas songs in harmony and help support our local ambulance service with a free will offering


Doug Kading Retiring: Doug has announced his retirement as Director of Camp Okoboji to be no later than September 30, 2018. The position opening has been posted and the application form is available on the Camp Okoboji website, All applications are to be mailed to the Chairman of the Camp Board by December 6, 2017.


Burt Christmas Day  Celebration will be held at the Burt Complex on Saturday December 2nd beginning with a Coffee and Goodies and Fire Truck Rides from 3-5p.m., from 5-6:30 p.m. Emma Elsbecker will be singing before and during the Chili and Chicken Noodle Soup Supper.  Free Will Donation. Come and enjoy Christmas in Burt!


This Week at St. John’s  – (November 19, 2017- November 26, 2017)

Today           8:00    am       Sunday School/Adult Bible Class

                      9:00    am       Service  - Holy Communion

Tuesday        9:00     am       Preschool                                                                                                                      

Wednesday  9:00     am       Preschool

                      6:30     pm       Thanksgiving Service (Holy Communion)

Thursday                              Thanksgiving Day                                                                                

Sunday         8:00     am       Sunday School and Adult Bible Class

                      9:00     am       Service  


Greeters Next Week:         Duane and Linda Peter

Acolyte This Week:           Peyton Marlow

Head Usher:                      Roger Lavrenz 

Ushers for November:    *Lynn Bierstedt, Darrel Schmidt & Dave Kerkove

Elder for November:         Jerry Koestler


Trinity Bible Studies – St. John’s members are welcome to attend any of the following Bible Studies at Trinity:

·         Wednesday AM Adult Bible Class – Mornings at 9:30 a.m.

·         Women’s Bible Studies during the school year on Monday mornings at 7:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.

·         BYOB (Bring Your Own Bible) - Sunday Evening Bible Study at 7:30 p.m. in Fireside Room. We will be studying The Book of Hebrews