Thursday, November 02, 2017


November 5, 2017


Adult Class   – November 12, 2017:    Topic:  Planning a Christian Funeral”  - Pastor Hauan


Lessons on the Liturgy:   The Preface

The verses and prayer spoken before the Sanctus is one of the oldest traditions in our liturgy.  The prefaces of the LSB are very similar to the prefaces dating to the third century.  Here we turn our hearts to the Sacrament we are about to receive.  The preface marks the Sacrament as a meal of thanksgiving (Eucharist) as we lift our hearts in thanks and praise to the Lord.  The preface also marks our Lord’s body and blood as a meal of unity (Communion) as we gather with angels and archangels and all the company of heaven to laud and magnify the glorious name of our Lord who gives himself to us for the forgiveness of sins.  


Special Council Meeting to be held on Sunday November 12th following the service at 10 a.m. This is to discuss the 2018 Budget and Slate of 2018 Officers. 


A Budget Meeting will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 8th at 6:30 p.m.


Thanksgiving Service  with Holy Communion will be celebrated on Wednesday evening November 22nd at 6:30 p.m.  This is a change from previous years.


Advent/Christmas Decorating - Our Advent "service" on Wednesday, November 29th will be a "service" of a different sort!  You're invited to help decorate the church for the Advent and Christmas season.  We will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a very brief prayer and dedication of our new Christmas tree before we start decorating.  We will enjoy refreshments and Advent music while we work.  There will also be decorating activities for children.  We hope to see you there!  


Thank You!   Kids of the Kingdom Preschool staff and board would like to give a BIG thank you to members of St. John’s for their support of our bake sale last weekend.  We had wonderful donations of baked goods and the support by those purchasing items was overwhelming!  These fundraisers help us meet expenses since we don’t have the student count to break even.  We couldn’t do it without you or without the Thrivent members who donate their Action Cards to us.  God’s richest blessing to all of you as we continue with the Christian education of these young children.


Pastor Chats - I will continue to post my available times on the back table for the week ahead for a visit with me.  I will continue to post times through the fall and winter until I am able to visit every family.   


The Reformation  by Dr. Cameron A. MacKenzie is a new illustrated history Book of the Reformation in honor of its 500th Anniversary.  The book is on the back table for viewing and we do have a couple extra copies for sale for a discounted price of $22.49.  Contact Pastor, the church office to purchase one.

Greet and Meet New Baby – Our Church family so warmly welcomed Grant way back in 1987. We would love to share the joy of his son, Grant Alexander Lavrenz now also! Come meet baby Grant, visit with Daddy Grant and meet Mommy Clare on Saturday November 11th 2- 5 p.m. at the Burt Community Center. Guys ‘N Gals!! No Gifts Please!    Lavrenz Family


Did You KnowThey number 253,910 in Iowa. They are 8.1% of Iowa’s population. There might be one sitting next to you right now! For many years, including today, Iowans have volunteered to serve to protect our nation and our freedom in numbers proportionally larger than most states. Look around and find a Veteran. Thank him or her for their service, on behalf of the many who have benefited from their dedication and selfless sacrifice. May God grant peace in the world, and may He bestow His abiding peace in the hearts, minds and lives of all who have served. Lutheran Family Service


Burt VFW Breakfast will be held on Sunday  November 12, from 8-12:30 p.m. Sausages, Eggs and Pancakes will be served at the Burt Community Center.  Free will donation.


Fall Harvest Festival Dinner will be held at the Lone Rock Presbyterian Church on Sunday November 5th from 10:30-1:00 p.m. Traditional Turkey Meal with Desserts.  Free will donation. Proceeds to local Charities


Lakota Ambulance Annual Soup Dinner is being held on Sunday, November 12 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Lakota Eagle Center, Free Will Donation    (More information on flyer posted along the ramp)


This Week at St. John’s  – (November 5, 2017- November 12, 2017)

Today           8:00    am       Sunday School/Adult Bible Class

                      9:00    am       Service (Holy Communion)

Tuesday        9:00     am       Preschool                                                                                              

Wednesday  9:00     am       Preschool

                      6:00     pm       Religion School

                      6:30     pm       Budget Meeting

Thursday       9:00     am       Preschool                                                                                  

Sunday         8:00     am       Sunday School and Adult Bible Class

                      9:00     am       Service  

                    10:00     am       Council Meeting


Greeters Next Week:         Joe and Tina Heyes

Acolyte This Week:           Cameron Haase

Head Usher:                      Roger Lavrenz 

Ushers for November:    *Lynn Bierstedt, Darrel Schmidt & Dave Kerkove

Elder for November:         Jerry Koestler


Trinity Bible Studies – St. John’s members are welcome to attend any of the following Bible Studies at Trinity:

·         Wednesday AM Adult Bible Class – Mornings at 9:30 a.m.

·         Women’s Bible Studies during the school year on Monday mornings at 7:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.

·         BYOB (Bring Your Own Bible) - Sunday Evening Bible Study at 7:30 p.m. in Fireside Room. We will be studying The Book of Hebrews