October 22, 2017
The Flowers on the altar today are given in memory of Arnie Skadburg whose birthday would have been on October 24th
by Beverly Skadburg.
Share the Blessing Giving – Harvest is a time of thanksgiving and joy for all. It is a time to count our blessings, to remember who has provided these blessings, and to share these blessings with others. Our special offering letter and envelope for “Share the Blessing” was placed in your bulletin boxes last week.
Thank You! Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude from the amazing support we received at our soup dinner last Sunday. We cannot say thank you enough to everyone who attended for your generosity. It is only with your continued support that we can continue with our Christian education of these young children.
Kids of the Kingdom Preschool Board and Staff
Adult Classes – October 29, 2017: Topic: “ Artwork of the Reformation, and Luther Quotes Worth Remembering“
Reformation Day Choir – We will be rehearsing today after the service. All are welcome to sing!
Movie – “Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World” - One night only – Monday, October 23, 2017 at 6:30pm at the Algona State 5 Theater. Join us for a screening of the rousing adventure story that was Martin Luther's life, following his bold quest for truth – a journey that would reshape the church, and the world. This entertaining new film brings to life the dramatic moments that shaped Luther, and examines the universal questions he wrestled with, like "Who am I?" and "What is my purpose?" Tickets can now be purchased at the door on the Monday the 23rd of October.
Pastor Chats - I will continue to post my available times on the back table for the week ahead for a visit with me. I will continue to post times through the fall and winter until I am able to visit every family.
Kids of the Kingdom will be holding a Bake Sale at the Annual Lions Club Omelet Breakfast on Sunday October 29th. We are asking for donation for the sale. Items can be brought to the complex by 9:00 a.m. on the October 29th.
Lessons on the Liturgy: The Sign of the Cross
The making of the sign of the cross is perhaps the oldest rubric in the history of the Christian Church, likely dating to the times of the apostles themselves. The sign of the cross is made on you first by the pastor at your Baptism. Every time you cross yourself you are retracing the sign first made upon you at your Baptism, thus bringing to mind the gifts of the forgiveness, life, and salvation of Christ’s cross given to you there in water and word. Look for places in the liturgy such as the Invocation, Absolution, Creed, Sacrament, and Benediction to trace this reminder of your Baptism on yourself.
You are invited to the Algona Circuit's 500th Anniversary Reformation Celebration on Sunday, October 29th at Trinity Lutheran Church in Algona. This event includes a Reformation Day Divine Service at 3:00 p.m. with guest preacher President Steve Turner, a presentation on Reformation History at 4:15 p.m. by Pastor Tom Schlund (as well as activities for kids at this time), and an Oktoberfest-style meal at 5:00 p.m. Join us for one, two, or all three of these events as we celebrate this monumental event in the history of Christendom
The Reformation by Dr. Cameron A. MacKenzie is a new illustrated history Book of the Reformation in honor of its 500th Anniversary. The book is on the back table for viewing and we do have a couple extra copies for sale for a discounted price of $22.49. Contact Pastor, the church office to purchase one.
Burt Lions Club will be holding an Omelet Breakfast Fund Raiser at the Burt Activity complex on Sunday October 29th from 9 to 1 p.m. Free Will Donation Kids Kingdom Bake Sale
Burt 1st Annual Costume Crawl 5K will be held on Saturday, October 28th at 6 p.m. Pre-Registration Fee: $20. A meal will follow with all proceeds going towards keeping Burt Summer Celebration free! A Bake Sale will also be held and the committee is asking for donations for that.
Soup Dinner – The Sentral Area Ambulance Soup Dinner Fundraiser is being held today from 10:30-12:30 p.m. at the Fenton American Legion. Carry outs in town delivered. Free Will Donation
Burt Fire Dept. will be holding a Pork Loin Dinner today from 11-1:00 p.m. at the Burt Activity Complex. Raffle items will be on display. Proceeds to go toward a new grass fire truck. Free Will Donation
This Week at St. John’s – (October 22, 2017- October 29, 2017)
Greeters Next Week: Wade and Devyn Briggs
Acolyte This Week: Gabby Kelly & Alasha Heenan
Head Usher: Roger Lavrenz
Ushers for October: * Randy Reimers, Terry Briggs & Chris Heyes
Elder for October: Jeff Schutjer
Attendance | Offering | ||
Church Communion | 83 69 | Church – Home Missions Lutherans in Africa | $ 1,500.00 60.00 126.00 |
Sunday School | | Sunday School | 7.00 |
Adult Class | 17 | Religion School | 5.00 |
Religion School | 11 | Share the Blessings | 10.00 |
Student Endowment | 60.00 | ||
Preschool Tuition | 340.00 |
Bible Readings for the week in conjunction with the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation October 29, 2017:
Sunday, Day 358: Zephaniah; Revelation 15
Monday, Day 359: Haggai; Revelation 16
Tuesday, Day 360 Zechariah 1-3; Revelation 17
Wednesday, Day 361 Zechariah 4-6; Revelation 18
Thursday, Day 362 Zechariah 7-9; Revelation 19
Friday, Day 363: Zechariah 10-12; Revelation 20
Saturday, Day 364: Zechariah 13-14; Revelation 21
Reformation Day 365: Malachi; Revelation 22
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