Thursday, April 21, 2016


April 24, 2016


Thank you to everyone who was involved in putting on our farewell lunch last weekend.  It was a great time to remember many memories from the past 10 years.  Thank you also to those who gave cards and gifts at the lunch and for Lydia's birth.  We appreciate your generosity as we prepare for our move and we are sure that some of these may prove to be a topic of conversation for years to come.  --Pastor, Sarah, Lilli, Emalee, Ellanor, Liam, and Lydia


Elders Meeting has been changed Friday, April 29th at 7:00 p.m.  Let Pastor know if this does not work for you.


Bridal Shower for Jace Alt and bride-to-be Brodi Vailhauer will be held on Saturday, April 30th from 9-11 a.m. here at St. John’s in the church basement.


Thank You! We want to acknowledge and give our thanks to Pastor Peterson for his many visits to the Care Center and his special service for Arlene. Another special “thank hyou” to the ladies at the church who served the wonderful lunch. Also, to the church members for their prayers and expressions of sympathy to the our family. It just adds to memories of our dear Arlene.   Don Behnkendorf family, Barkley and Glawe family.


Rolls and Coffee will be served in the church basement next Sunday, May 1st for Pastor, Sarah, Lilli, Emalee, Ellanor, Liam and Lydia’s last Sunday with us.  Please, take the time to come down to say your last Good-bye’s.


Seminary Call Nights for placing new pastors will be Tuesday, April 26th at 7:00 p.m. for St. Louis Seminary and Wednesday, April 27th at 6:00 p.m. for Fort Wayne Seminary.  You can watch the Call Night process at St. Louis and Fort Wayne or seminary Facebook page at and at as they are announced..  Go to these sites and a click the site when it comes up on Call night.

·         Watch Party:  The Congregation along with the Religion School are invited to a Watch Party on Wednesday, April 27th at 6:00 p.m. This is for the Concordia Fort Wayne Call Process.  If you wish to watch the St. Louis Calls it is the night before online. 


Religion School – The last session of Religion School will be our Bible Bowl/Pizza Party and that will be on April 27th


Building Healthy Families –Wives, want to build up your marriage?  Stop and think about your husband’s gifts. (No, not the ones he gave you for your birthday!) What are his talents? What are his spiritual gifts? What does he love to do? What are his accomplishments? Recognize them, name them, and communicate your respect for them . . . to him and to others. It’s one way to build a great relationship.  -Lutheran Family Service


Burt Spring Clean-Up Day will be Saturday May 7th for Burt residents only.  Place on curbside by 8:00 a.m.


Open House and Card Shower for Arlene Wood’s 90th Birthday is being held on Saturday, May 7th from 2-4 p.m. at the Burt Community Center.


Burt Summer Celebration will celebrate 20 years this year on Saturday, July 9th.  Many committee members have been on the committee since it started in 1997 and could use some help with a new group of volunteers.  If any of you are interested in continuing the tradition in Burt call Burt City Hall (924-3618).


This Week at St. John’s  – (April 24, 2016 – May 1, 2016)

Today               8:00   am       Sunday School    

                        8:15   am       Adult Class           

                        9:00   am       Service                 

Tuesday           9:00   am       Preschool           

                        6:00   pm       *Call Night at St. Louis Seminary                                                                       

Wednesday      9:00   am       Preschool

                        5:00   pm       Religion School   (Meal: Bible Bowl/Pizza Party)

                        6:00   pm       *Religion School and Call Viewing for Fort Wayne Seminary                                          

Thursday          9:00   am       Preschool           

Friday               9:00   am       Preschool   (Last Day)

                        7:00   pm       Elder’s Meeting

Saturday          9:00   am       Bridal Shower for Brodi Vailhauer bride-to-be of Jace Alt

                     11:30   am       Private Baptism

Next Sunday    8:00   am       Sunday School

                        8:15   am       Adult Class

                        9:00   am       Service (Holy Communion)

                     10:00   am       Coffee and Rolls served in basement for Pastor last Sunday


Greeters Next Week:           Thomas and Michelle Schutter

Acolyte This Week:             Jordan Blocker and Gabby Hatten

Acolyte Next Week:            Alasha Heenan

Meal for Religion:                Pizza and Bible Bowl

Head Usher:                       Roger Lavrenz 

Ushers for April:               * Don Madsen, Ken McFarland and Wendell Christensen Jr.

Elder for March:                  Jeff Schutjer


Next Week’s Readings:          

Old Testament             Acts 1:1-11

            Epistle:                         Acts 16:9-15

            Gospel:                       John 16:23-33   


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