Thursday, February 11, 2021


St. John’s Lutheran Church

109 Maple St. Burt, Iowa|Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Pastor: Rev. Thomas Cowell                

Secretary: Rosann Shipler

Pastor’s Cell: 319-464-5548                

Church Office: 515-924-3344

Pastor’s Email: 

Church Email:


February 14, 2021


O God, in the glorious transfiguration of Your beloved Son You confirmed the mysteries of the faith by the testimony of Moses and Elijah. In the voice that came from the bright cloud You wonderfully foreshowed our adoption by grace. Mercifully make us co-heirs with the King in His glory and bring us to the fullness of our inheritance in heaven; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.



Today, February 14, 2021

    8:00 a.m.     Sunday School/Adult Class

    9:00 a.m.     Divine Service - (Transfiguration)  

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

    10:00 a.m.    Morning Prayer

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

     6:00 p.m.     Ash Wednesday Service 

 Sunday, February 21, 2021

     8:00 a.m.      Sunday School/Adult Class             

     9:00 a.m.     Divine Service - (Lent 1)


  February 14

    Commemoration of Valentine, Martyr

  February 15

    Commemoration of Philemon and Onesimus

  February 16

    Commemoration of Philip Melanchthon, 


  February 18

    Commemoration of Martin Luther, Doctor and   




Organist Today:  Marcia Hanna

Elder for February: Jerry Koestler

Acolytes:  Taylor Parsons

                  Kenna Hatten


Tuesday Morning - This week there will be Tuesday morning prayer at 10:00 a.m.


Ash Wednesday Divine Service is Wednesday, February 17 at 6:00 p.m.


COVID Vaccine Information - On the back table are several resources related to Christian ethical considerations surrounding the Covid vaccines on the market today, as well as vaccines and medications in general.  These ethical considerations surround many vaccines’ use of cells originating from aborted children.  You are encouraged to read these articles before you choose to receive or refrain from receiving the vaccine.  With regard to the two vaccines approved for distribution in the U.S., most Christians agree that there is not a clear ethical answer as to whether it is best to receive them or avoid them, so this decision is left to you and your own circumstance and Christian discernment.  Pastor Cowell would love to speak with you about these resources if you have any questions. 


Lent Schedule Available - Feel free to pick up a worship schedule for the Lenten season on the back table.  Also feel free to deliver one to a friend! 


2020 Annual Report is now available in the back.  Please, take one per family.


Stained Glass Window Project - Information on our new stained glass window project at St. John’s is on the back table. You can view an enlarged image of the windows on the ramp bulletin board or on the door going to the balcony. 


Pastoral Care On Demand - Pastor Cowell would love to serve you Communion at church or at home, pray, read Scripture, offer Christian counsel, and/or just visit any time that works for you!  Call or text him any time at 319-464-5548. 


Lutheran Witness Yearly Subscriptions are due in February  If you wish to keep receiving the Witness, the cost is $22.70 for the year.  You may pay for this in the church office or mark an envelope and place it in the offering plate. If you receive the Witness and wish to cancel or would like to receive it, please also let the church office know.


St. John’s Ladies Aid Dissolved - As of January 27, 2021 the St. John’s Ladies Aid has made the decision to dissolve. The Ladies Aid received their LWML charter on May 12, 1947, but the St. John’s Ladies Aid has been in existence since October 13, 1921. We thank God for blessing our Ladies Aid for the past 100 years, and we look forward to exploring new opportunities to serve the Lord with gladness in the future. 

Flocknote - Did you know that in addition to receiving cancellation announcements on Flocknote, you can also receive a daily prayer and Scripture verse via text message or email? See the Flocknote information sheet in the back for a description of all of your messaging options, and let Pastor Cowell know if you’d like to make any changes to which messages you receive. 


Evangelism and Charity Information Booklets can be picked up from the back table. These are  a summary of mission and charity support of our congregation for the 2021 year.


Shopping through Amazon Smile - Sign up at Amazon Smile to have 0.5% of your eligible purchases donated to St. John’s! Click this link to sign up:, click on the Amazon Smile button on the homepage, or pick up an instructions packet on the back table to get signed up. 


St. John’s Live-streamed Service - The easiest way to access our service livestreams and recordings is to click on the links posted on the homepage of


TLC Quilts Available - Don’t forget that quilts made by the Trinity Lutheran Church Quilters are always available on the “giving pew” by the east door!


2020 Thrivent Choice Dollars must be directed by March 31. Consider joining others who have directed their Choice Dollars towards St. John’s ministry.




Ask the Pastors is Back! - The partnership pastors are resuming Ask the Pastors next Wednesday, February 3 at 10:00 a.m. on the Trinity, Algona YouTube or Facebook page.  If you have any questions of any topic you would like the pastors to discuss feel free to speak to any of the three pastors or send an email to: 


Trinity, Algona Schedule - Trinity, Algona continues to stream their worship services and other videos online. You can access these resources at or the Trinity YouTube and Facebook pages either live or any time after as a recording.


Building Healthy Families - Are you or is someone you know experiencing a season of difficulty? Remember that although our circumstances may change, God’s love never does. And we don’t have to bear it all alone; He put us here to help one another. If you could use assistance walking through a difficult time in your life, Lutheran Family Service has compassionate counselors available to help, in person or through video link. Learn more at Lutheran Family Service 


LECTIONARY SUMMARY (Transfiguration Sunday)

Old Testament: 2 Kings 2:1-12

After Elijah passes down his ministry to Elisha, he is carried into heaven by chariots of fire.


Epistle: 2 Corinthians 3:12-18; 4:1-6

The ministry of the Church is to shine the glory of Christ on all, even if it is veiled to those who do not believe it. 


Gospel: Mark 9:2-9

Jesus is transfigured before Peter, James, and John and speaks with Moses and Elijah.



“Moses and Elijah, who talked with the Lord on the mountain, and spoke about his passion and resurrection, represent the oracles of the law and prophets which were fulfilled in the Lord.” - Bede, Homilies on the Gospels, Homily 1.24, qtd. from ACCS: Mark, 119.



Farewell to Alleluia

One tradition that has existed since the early medieval period is called the “farewell to alleluia.” This farewell took place right around the Sunday of the Transfiguration, which is celebrated just before Lent begins, or just before a three week period known as “pre-Lent” begins.  During the farewell to alleluia Christians say goodbye to this joyous word of praise which means “praise the Lord,” and prepare for the more reserved and penentental Lenten season in which alleluia is not spoken.  Some congregations even buried a coffin in their parish cemetery to symbolize the temporary death of the word alleluia during Lent!  Rather than digging a hole, we participate in the farewell to alleluia by singing the hymn Alleluia, Song of Gladness (LSB 417), an eleventh century Latin hymn written specifically for this transition into Lent. 



Large Catechism, Part I: The Ten Commandments, Second Commandment, para. 61, 63-64

Our young people should have this Second Commandment earnestly pressed upon them [Deut. 6:7]. They should be trained to hold this and the First Commandment in high regard. We must hold the commandment before them, and constantly teach it, so that we bring them up not only with punishment, but also in reverence and fear of God [Eph. 6:4].

     This you must also know how to use God's name rightly. For when He says, "You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain," He wants us to understand at the same time that His name is to be used properly. For His name has been revealed and given to us so that it may be of constant use and profit. So it is natural to conclude that since this commandment forbids using the holy name for falsehood or wickedness, we are, on the other hand, commanded to use His name for truth and for all good, like when someone takes an oath truthfully when it is needed and it is demanded [Num. 30:2]. This commandment also applies to right teaching and to calling on His name in trouble or praising and thanking Him in prosperity, and so on. All of this is summed up and commanded in Psalm 50:15, "Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me." For all this is bringing God's name into the service of truth and using it in a blessed way. In this way His name is hallowed, as we pray in the Lord's Prayer [Matt. 6:9].