Thursday, April 16, 2020


St. John’s Lutheran Church

109 Maple St. Burt, Iowa|Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Pastor: Rev. Thomas Cowell                     Secretary: Rosann Shipler

Pastor’s Cell: 319-464-5548                         Church Office: 515-924-3344       

Pastor’s Email:  Church Email:        


APRIL 19, 2020


Almighty God, grant that we who have celebrated the Lord’s resurrection may by Your grace confess in our life and conversation that Jesus is Lord and God; through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.





All services and activities at St. John’s are cancelled this week. 


Our next service will potentially be Sunday, May 3rd

We will provide you with more details as they come. 


  April 20

    Commemoration of Johannes Bugenhagen

  April 21

    Commemoration of Anselm of Canterbury

  April 24

    Commemoration of Johann Walter, Kantor

  April 25

    Feast of St. Mark, Evangelist 





St. John’s Closed until May 3rd – Governor Reynolds has extended Iowa’s health emergency restrictions through April 30th. This means that, Lord willing, Sunday May 3rd will be our first service together again.  We will, however, continue to follow any further regulations and suggestions that our state issues.   


Pastoral Care Available - Pastor Cowell continues to be available for pastoral care.  He is happy to hear your confession and absolve your sins or to give you Holy Communion at home or at church at any time.  If you are not comfortable visiting or being visited, he is happy to talk with you on the phone.  His cell phone is 319-464-5548.  If you have any bodily need in these next few weeks (like needing someone to pick you up groceries or medication, etc.) he is happy to help or to find you help. 


Resources for your faith at home - St. John’s is offering a variety of resources to feed your faith during our time away.  Here is a list of some of them:

  • There is a table in the back of church full of devotions, prayer services, Bible studies, and Lutheran magazines. Feel free to stop in at church any time and grab some.


  • Click the microphone on the homepage of to listen to services and sermons. A service folder and announcement document will be available here as well for you to follow along.  


  • Click on the Youtube icon on the homepage of to see live-streamed and recorded video services from Trinity, Algona.  


  • You can also click on the Youtube icon on the homepage to access daily video devotions from the partnership pastors. 


  • Follow @stjohnsburt on Facebook to receive daily online resources spanning many areas of your Christian faith. 


Offerings and Alms during our time away – St. John’s has a long history of generosity in terms of financially supporting our own ministry as well as that of the Church across the world.  This generosity has continued in our present situation.  Thank you to everyone who has been mailing in your offerings to our Lord during our time away! With the uncertain economic future of many of our members, now is the time to consider St. John’s your special mission project.  If it is within your financial means, consider giving above your regular tithe to the work of the ministry at St. John’s until life begins to return to normal.

  • The best way to give your offering is to mail it to St. John’s. Or, you can arrange to have it dropped off at St. John’s.


  • If you or your family has encountered any financial hardship during this time, don’t hesitate to contact Pastor Cowell to see if our congregation can help in any way. 


Stay connected during our time away - During our time away please be sure that the church has your current phone, cell phone, and email.  Also be sure that your Flocknote communication preferences are up to date.  You can call Pastor Cowell at 319-464-5548 if you need help with this.  Flocknote will be our means of communicating the most important details about our schedule in the weeks to come. 


The Giving Pew - This is a reminder that the season of Lent would be a great time to take a quilt or stuffed bear from the TLC Quilter’s giving pew by the east doors at St. John’s and deliver them to a friend in need of comfort or support. 




Trinity, Algona Schedule - All congregational activities at Trinity, Algona have been suspended until further nice.  You can receive updates and resources from Trinity at:  


Call Day Services - The COVID-19 pandemic has deeply affected the church and those in it. For many, life has come to a screeching halt. But perhaps now more than ever the need for well-formed, educated and loving pastors and deaconesses continues in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  

  • Concordia Seminary, St. Louis will have a joint vicarage assignment and pastoral/ deaconess placement service on Tuesday, April 28 at 7 p.m. You can view the live-stream at: csl.educ/academic/call-day-services


  • Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne will have a  joint vicarage assignment and pastoral/deaconess placement service on Wednesday, April 29 at 7 p.m. You can view the live-stream at:



Churches of Burt Volunteer Facebook Group - The Churches of Burt organization has created a Facebook group with the purpose of connecting people who need help with people who are willing to help.  It is our hope that this group will facilitate Christian mercy in our community.  You can search “Churches of Burt Volunteers/Help Wanted” to join the group.  Or, if you would like to offer a volunteer service or are in need of help but don’t have a Facebook account, contact Pastor Cowell and he will post your request for you.



LECTIONARY SUMMARY (Second Sunday of Easter)


Acts 5:29–42; 1 Peter 1:3–9; John 20:19–31


Christ Jesus Breathes His Spirit and His Life into Us by the Ministry of the Gospel 

The crucified and risen Lord Jesus establishes the Ministry of the Gospel, in order to bestow His life-giving Holy Spirit and His peace upon the Church. To those who are called and ordained to this Office, and to those whom they serve in His name, He grants the Holy Absolution of all sins.  By the fruits of His Cross He replaces fear and doubt with peace and joy, and thus gives “repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins” (Acts 5:31). Through the preaching of His sent ones He calls us to believe that He “is the Christ, the Son of God,” so that by such faith we “may have life in His name” (John 20:31). In His resurrection we have the “living hope” to which we have been “born again” and by which we are guarded “for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time” (1 Peter 1:3, 5). Until then, “though you have not seen Him, you love Him,” and by the mercies of God “you believe in Him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory” (1 Peter 1:8).



Large Catechism: Preface, paragraphs 9-11 

For God's sake I beg such lazy bellies [pastors] or arrogant saints to be persuaded and believe that they are truly, truly not so learned as they imagine! They should never assume that they have finished learning the parts of the catechism, even though they think that they know it ever so well. There are many benefits and fruits to be gained, if it is daily read and practiced in thought and speech. For example, the Holy Spirit is present in such reading, and meditation. He bestows new light and devoutness. In this way the catechism is daily loved and appreciated better.


Besides, catechism study is a most effective help against the devil, the world, the flesh, and all evil thoughts. It helps to be occupied with God's Word, to speak it, and meditate on it, just as the first Psalm declares people blessed who meditate on God's Law day and night (Psalm 1:2), from which the devil runs and may be driven away. You will not release a stronger repellant against the devil.


Now, for this reason alone, you ought gladly to read, speak, think, and use these things, even if you had no other profit and fruit from them than driving away the devil and evil thoughts by doing so. He cannot hear or endure God's Word. God's Word is not like some other silly babbling. Paul says in Romans 1:16, it is "the power of God." It is the power of God that gives the devil burning pain and strengthens, and helps us beyond measure.